This happens to everyone....your body is like a eat the same thing all the the same gets used to it and you have to switch things up....trick it!
Change what you are eating (I am boring sometimes I will eat the same thing everyday for breakfast), Make sure you are eating your protein first (and getting a minimum of 60 grams in a day).
Some people do not agree with me on this part, and that is OK. We can agree to disagree....but sometimes and I am not saying you are, but some people take in to many carbs...Really if we eat our protein first, then veggie then maybe fruit there isn't any room left for carbs (potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, etc). I have noticed that a lot of people who start gaining weight back after a few years are really addicted to carbs...and they eat to many. I have not had bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, or sugar (really anything white) in 8 years....I don't crave it at all, I don't miss it or feel deprived! I am not saying you have to do this...but it has worked for me.
Get your water in very important, I put Walmart Great Value on the go sugar free drink mix in mine. It is like Crystal light, but it is more flavorful and calorie free. Crystal light has 5 calories. (and I like it better and by the way it is cheaper too!)
So anyway, try to evaluate what you are eating, write it down. Sometimes we put things in our mouths and don't even realize it.
One other thing...are you really stomach hungry or is it head hunger? This is a hard one to figure out...but I personally know that when I am really stomach hungry I start to shake a little and I realize...oh I need to eat....Now the head hunger thing...I STILL FIGHT IT ALMOST EVERYDAY!!! I have to just tell myself YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY and try to find something else to occupy my time...I am and always will be a compulsive eater, emotional eater, and I would even sneak around and eat in private....I had to learn to handle all these that I am 8 1/2 years out...I CAN EAT A LOT! So, I have to make sure it is healthy and make sure I exercise. I exercise almost every day....but I LOVE IT NOW!!
Ginger you can do this.....learn your body and what it is saying to you....tell yourself....I CAN DO THIS...I WILL GET TO MY GOAL WEIGHT...AND I WILL STAY THERE.....I AM WORTH IT!!! I BELIEVE IN MYSELF!!!! I LOVE ME!!!!
Much love,
I noticed your ticker. You are 13 from goal. Grreeat!

They always say the last 10 lbs is the hardest to lose...
I don't have any advice, since I'm still pre-op, but don't lose sight of how far you've come. Don't beat yourself up. You've done a great job so far.
As a last resort, you could have plastics and have them slice off the last 13 lbs!!!

WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
You are doing an awesome job. I think we all have our ups and downs and stalls. Do not get discouraged! I have had to make lots of changes myself lately and I did find that I was eating too fast too. How crazy is it something you really do not always think about can make a big difference. I was coming home in the evenings, after work and after the gym so hungry. I would make dinner then eat but not eating slow then all of a sudden felt that miserable fullness. Eating slow is a habit I am working on getting back into as well.
You are doing great. I can not wait until I can say I lost 100+ lbs.