Sad Day for me and my family!
Today, I had to tell my son-n-law good-bye! He is leavingfor Iraq i 2 weeks with the United States Army He will be gone for a year! My daughter and he are stationed in Virginia Beach, Virginia at Fort Story. This is going to be a big test for me and emotional eating. I have decided to keep myself busy with planning and organizing my first OH support group meeting soon! Today, I cried alot, tomorrow I pray even more! Keeping positive is my goal!
Amy Jo - saying good bye is so hard. Even when I tell David good-bye and it's only for 3 or 4 weeks I'm always sad for the rest of the day before I come back to center. And that's nothing to sending someone you love dearly off to Iraq for a year. Know all of you have my thoughts and prayers. 
I know you will pass this test - Just consider it a love offering to Nate. You'd never in a million years let Nate down.
I'm excited with you about your upcoming support group.
That is one mighty lucky group to have you as their leader!!!!! 
I believe in you

I know you will pass this test - Just consider it a love offering to Nate. You'd never in a million years let Nate down.

I'm excited with you about your upcoming support group.

I believe in you

God bless your son-in-law for his service to our country!! My step-son was in Iraq for 15 months last year and it was a very stressful time for the whole family. Praise God he returned safely, but may have to go back.
Above all else, we are extremely proud of him as I know you are of you SIL. Your family will be in my prayers.
Above all else, we are extremely proud of him as I know you are of you SIL. Your family will be in my prayers.
You and your Family are in my Prayers.
How did you like the First Leadership Meeting. I was their. Cathy always commits on me. I just Love her to pieces. Isn't she a Great Leadership Teacher.
Obesity Help Support Group Coach
How did you like the First Leadership Meeting. I was their. Cathy always commits on me. I just Love her to pieces. Isn't she a Great Leadership Teacher.

Obesity Help Support Group Coach
Deborah Turrell
Obesity Help Support Group Leader/Obesity Help Life Coach