Coffee it's so good on this cool morning, After reading some of your post it's clear an active day or get off my butt is needed. The post and pictures are so cool. Well as the weather is changing and the holiday are headed in we have alot of opportunities to get ourselves so exercise at the malls and gyms.. one will be crowded and the other no so crowded. This time of year brings, I hope out the most positive side of you. Hot Apple Cider, Hot Soups, Wonderful kindness and spirit; just the things we are smiling about each day. I know the scales show you kicking butt and the sweat is rolling off your body. Now for those who are smiling, you know the ones that now recognize food is good if you use it and don't abuse it.. Their the ones with the tight fitting jeans and hot little dresses as so forth. I say congrats and well done. Look for to seeing you soon. Well for today it just loving life and a trip shopping, yes i must..I have to go to California for a business trip and can't have clothes falling off.. besides Michelle made me smile with her post (VSG Forum). I hope all you are seeing success and that your Smiles are HUGE.. THIS DAY... Save a Life and make someone smile ...we are all..