Theirs not a day that goes by that I don't hear or read about a inappropriate, rude, hurt full comment to someone. It appears it goes toward women more cause men to strike back faster and physically. Any way it's my belief they have issues most of us can not see. It's sorta like being to close to the forest to see the trees. It comes from everyone, fathers, mothers, family, friends, and co workers. Asked why one makes the comment and you get all kinds of excuses; then asked did it make you feel proud? Would you do that to your Mother or Father? the overwhelming root cause is they have their own issues and demons. So I would say that you have to get to the next level and ignore their lost view and use it to motivate yourself and your exercise program. Intellectually, they will never get it, cause they never had to walk in your shoes and feel the pain. I would argue that your worth more and the positive impact you have on people today and tomorrow will make our world a better place to live and a lot more folks Smiling. We are in control of our life and our feelings, no one else can hurt my feelings cause I'm a tough skinned warrior. Folks your worth every minute in life so be motivated and Smile.