What a Wonderful Life, Magnificent Souls
As I get my morning Coffee and look over the board I see an incredible posts almost daily. I read of miracles and 6 month WOW's and all because the new yous. Butterflies developing into images of wonderful women and men. I reflect back and think what it must have been like with all these folks in the tough years. Your inspiring me and others to Charge Ahead in our goals and that the storms don't last as long as the Smiles. It truly is great to see and hear of the changes and lives saved through your journeys. Few ever see the sweat and soul of an individual why using a treadmill or running . walking; maybe that's why your smiling cause you know what's important and what energetic power you have . The compliments are heart warming and well noted. Congrats just isn't enough to say Thank You or Well Done! It makes me want to hit the trail or gym even harder. May your Smiles be forever.. Enjoying being a witness to your dreams and success.