Thirsty Thursday "Coffee and Love"
Post Date: 9/25/08 4:19 am
Last Edit: 9/25/08 4:29 am
Great Day or Good Morning, Depending on your view. As we read all these positive post I'm assured that we are a nation of great and positive people. As the Coffee steams away in the bright cool morning air, I reflect back when this was not possible to enjoy. It smells so good and I even feel better. No not even the political news is worth thinking about. We look forward to the holidays and enjoying family and friends you just gotta feel it's gonna be good. Then you slip in and get into a pair of jeans and a belt you had long ago and smile like a old crusty JA. Yes today is a better day. Winter has always been good, snug time and a warm hug. I might even see an ad for a good hearted soul mate in the newspaper. The fairs are coming and we all remember those dates we took. Yelp, smiling like old jack ass and loving the new look each day. Love to read your posts, even the four hour work out diva's.. it must be a hot flash . Oh well it's off to work and an hour drive to contemplate the world again. Keep me reading and thanks for being apart of America and the Rhino Nation.
Last Edit: 9/25/08 4:29 am