Moving to GA!
I just wanted to say hey to everyone! I will be moving to GA from NC in the next few months . My hubby has taken a job in the Atlanta area and we are very excited about the move. We will still be within a few hours of the kids and old friends a happy about making new friends. We will be looking for a home around *******s or alpheretta maybe duluth. I am 3 months out from surgery so I will be needed a good support group. I know I will find it here! Lynn
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I live in Johns creek.. near duluth/alpharetta area... it's a great neighborhood.
I am 3 months from having surgery. There is a new Emory Johns creek hospital that has support groups.
Keep in touch and let me know where you end up... what company is your hubby working for? It's important to live near where you work.. traffic is bad.
I live in Johns creek.. near duluth/alpharetta area... it's a great neighborhood.
I am 3 months from having surgery. There is a new Emory Johns creek hospital that has support groups.
Keep in touch and let me know where you end up... what company is your hubby working for? It's important to live near where you work.. traffic is bad.
What did the dr suggest? If you can't have RNY then wouldn't it be the lap band?
Are you going to the support groups at John's creek hospital? I have to go next month...
ps my email is [email protected] if you'd like to contact me directly.
Are you going to the support groups at John's creek hospital? I have to go next month...
ps my email is [email protected] if you'd like to contact me directly.