Need support group in Douglasville area....

Adrianne K.
on 7/24/08 10:29 am - douglasville, GA

Hi all!

I will be having surgery in the next few weeks. Looking for a support group in Douglasville area. I will be going to see Dr. Joya in PV, Mexico and I will be having the RNY done. If I can get any advice from others that would be wonderful!!!



Tamika A.
on 7/25/08 9:36 am - Douglasville, GA
Good luck you will not regret your decision.  I am also in the Douglasville area. I would  be interested in a local support group. I have lost 110 lbs since febuary 19th 2008. I had my surgery in Bogota Colombia with Dr. Valencia.
on 7/27/08 9:22 am - Douglasville, GA
I have not had surgery yet, am awaiting approval from the insurance company. I live in Douglasville and would also be interested in a support group in the area. Currently driving to downtown Atlanta to the Atlanta Medical for a support group. I am using Peachtree Bariatric's in Atlanta. Keep me in mind if a group if formed.
Adrianne K.
on 8/1/08 10:51 pm - douglasville, GA

I am in the beginning stages also. I will be having surgery sometime this month or in Sept. I am waiting on funds from our 401k. and thagt can take a while.  I tried that insurance route and we are in appeals with them. I will be having the surgery no matter what! One way or another it will get done.
About the support group.... I would love to have one here in douglasville. I live on the Paulding Co side of Douglasville. So I am flexable to where we can have one. With so many people going to other countries (including myself) for the surgery they have no support when they get back.

I am trying to get other to join in and get suggestions, I will keep you posted!

Adrianne Kuhn
on 7/27/08 11:44 am - douglasville, GA
I live in Douglasville too!!! Not sure about support groups yet, but I am checking. I am originally from Detroit so I feel like a foriegner here. I am in the beginning stages of my journey.  Good luck with your surgery!!!
Lynn B.
on 7/29/08 6:05 am - Carrollton, GA

I am moving to Carrollton which isn't too far from Douglasville...and I will also need a support group...

Please let me know if you find one....if this keeps up we may have to start one of our own....

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Adrianne K.
on 8/1/08 10:42 pm - douglasville, GA
Hi Lynn,

Sorry that I am just now responding!  We have been out of town on vacation.  Where is  Carrolloton do you live? I am right on the line of Paulding and Douglas co. I would love to start a support group and get to know some really great people. So if you are interested please email me @ [email protected].

Thanks and congrats with your weight loss!

Adrianne K.
on 8/1/08 11:14 pm - Villa Rica, GA
Hi everyone!

I live between Villa Rica and Carrollton, and would like to know if any of you find a support group to attend, because I would be interested in it too. 

on 8/1/08 11:37 pm - Villa Rica, GA
I forgot to add to my original post, that I do go to a support group currently in Anniston AL, which is about an hour drive (NO TRAFFIC ever!!) from Villa Rica.  They meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month across from Northeast Regional Alabama Medical Center (hospital) at 6:00 pm (7pm Georgia time), but am definitely interested in one in this area. 

Adrianne K.
on 8/2/08 4:00 am - douglasville, GA
Hey Bobbi,

Anniston is way too far for me to drive. I wrote in my last blog my email address and it is wrong.
It is [email protected]  so if anyone wants to email me and we can get together and meet for a meeting. I am very interested in others that are going through this process and post surgery! I see that most of the support meetings are also at area hospitals. I will check and see if there is already a support group in this area.  If not ,I am willing to start one!

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