hot and do not know what to do
My sister was told she would be getting out of bed and will do some walking. Nurse did not believe she was to be on complete bed rest. My sister has not been able to cleanse her own self since she is getting nueropothy in her hands and arms to. This makes it difficult to feel what your are doing. When the Nurse was ask to assist with wiping her the nurse yelled at her telling her she was 46 years on and needs to figure it out. got her a wipee pack and left her alone in there for an hour. My sister has been wheelchair bound for about 6 months when her kidneys started to fail and she has a huge amoun of fluid in her body causing large amounts of fluid build up in her body. She cried for 2 days. She was then sent to ICU as they checked her not find the cause of sugar battle going on. I want to help my sister so that so does not have to feel humiliated. I know when I was having my surgery in 2004 that there where ladies discussing not having to use tools to help them. Please send you ideas and things that have worked for you. I need to get her spirit up so she does not fee use full and a burden. I am so angry on how to handle the way that woman handle this hole ordeal. Any suggestion is worth here. Please help and pray for my sister.