Headed for surgery!!!
Hi All,
I just mett with Dr Lin in Atlanta today. I will be having surgery on April 14th to remove my old stomach.....my new pouch is working find after my wls on 12-17-04, but the old part keeps closeing down. I have had G-Tubes for up to three months at a time to get it to start working and also had surgery on it last year, But for the last 3 weeks the pain is back and the only thing to do is have it remove.
Has anyone heard of this....they call it a lazy stomach.
I would love to hear from anyone befor my surgery....I am a little scared about this.
Martha in Columbus Ga
I'm home from the hospital. This past monday 4/14/08, I had my remnant stomach removed after over a year of pain and problems with it. After the 3+ hour surgery the Dr told us that he did remove the remnant stomach and did some work on my pouch. So I am back to clear liquids for a week, and then working my way back up to foods again.