LOSING TO LIVE 2007---July 20-22----Nashville, TN
We have 20 spots left for the conference in Nashville this summer. Don't miss out on great speakers, building a network of WLS friends, AND a lot of fun! For more information go to the website.... www.losing2live.com.
Ann, We still have 15 spots left. The rooms are reasonably priced. I believe they are $70 with the reduced conference rate. They have suites for the same price with seperate bedrooms....so, if you want to share a room with another participate that would cut the cost in 2. This promises to be a great conference. Hope you can make it.
oh cool....well I am considering it....my 20 year class reunion is the weekend before and then my wedding is about a month after that so trying to weigh out (no pun intended) if i can swing the cost......is the conference price included of meals or are those on our own? it looks like an AWESOME conference....
It includes ALL meals. All you will need is transportation to and from money and the motel. If you want to share a room, I can put you in touch with someone who wants to also share a room. The suites actually have 2 bedrooms and a living room with a pullout, a mini kitchen, etc. We have some awesome speakers with incredible stories. The workshops will be educational and FUN!!!! Hope you can make it.