Rectal bleeding not related to it surgery related?
Does anyone know anything about any type of surgery related complication that might cause excessive rectal bleeding? I'm almost 2 years out, and I don't think I have hemroids (I don't have any pain or itching) but a LOT of bleeding. I just had a baby 11 weeks ago...This is really embarassing, but I want to know if i need to be seen.
Hey Stephanie! You look beautiful! I was just worried that it might have something to do with the re-routing of intestine. I really don't want to go to a's so embarrassing!
Yeah, I had another baby (a boy finally!) but I haven't felt like being around other post ops since so many are struggling with fertility issues. BTW, scary complications if you get preg too soon after surgery! My placenta died prematurely and I had an emergency c-sect and underweight baby. I can't have any more. (We weren't planning any more) so it's a lesson. The docs know what they are talking about! How are you doing?