I am obese!!!!!
I am obese now!!! Yay!!!!! No more extremely obese for me!! As of today, I am down 136 pounds, to 229. I don't even remember being this weight. I am in size 22 jeans and 18/20 shirts.
Yay for me!!
Also, for those of you who are aware of my health issues. All is ok!!! I did have a stroke, but because of the scarring, they think it was at least 5 years ago. I actually got to see it. My neurologist showed it to me on the MRI. It is in the area of the brain that controls balance. Explains why sometimes I lose my balance and I am clumsy!! I am still having double vision/blurred vision. My neurologist sent me to an opthamologist. I told him my past history and it didn't take him long to figure out what was wrong! My lazy eye/weak muscle has returned. I was first diagnosed with this when I was 5 years old. After exercises and such, I have been able to control it all this time. Only now, I can't control it. He wants me to do the "pencil" exercises again and to come back and see him in April. I am right on the line for eye surgery, so we'll see what happens when I go back to see him.
Good news!!!!
That is so exciting.... I am thrilled for you about now being officially obese!!!! It is something only those of us that have been on the other side can truly understand. Just another step for us to regain a sense of normalcy.
I am also glad that they found out everything is OK medically and that there hasn't been a recent stroke!
It was great to meet you at the February get together and look forward to seeing less of you!
Way to go girl. Me, too. I am now at 194 and in a size 14, and at my age have a lot of loose skin but until I hit the lotto or have a rich realitive give me some money we can live with it. The smallest size I have ever been in my life. I need to get a new picture posted one of these days. Everyone can see my turkey neck.
Before you know it you will normal. And maybe me, too.
God bless and keep up the good work.