Keith's Band Coming to Town
Hi All,
My son, Keith's band is finally coming to town for a show!
I don't know that his music would be type of music for many of us, but JUST in case, I HAD to share and help promote!!
His band is called Sophia - (Greek for Wisdom) and it is a hardcore Christian rock band.
If you wanted to get a sample of their music, they have a myspace at .
Anyhooz, they will be in Duluth on December 14th - it will be in the venue that was previously the old Aurora Theater in downtown Duluth. I think the doors open at 6pm, and there are several bands, my boys go on around 9pm. (Which works out well, cuz my youngest son is in the High School's Holiday Band Concert at 7 pm, and all the band kids want to come see Keith! LOL)
To get a "little taste" of their music, go to their website and listen to their Christmas song. Click on the Rudolph song to play. (The more hits they get on their song, the better for them as they have a band page on myspace.)
When you hear the guy talking in the middle, that's MY KID!!
***Remember, this is hardcore I don't want to disillusion anyone into thinking your are going to hear easy listening...*
Take care!!!