Pre surgery jitters :afro:
I am scheduled to have the deuodonal switch surgery on November 2nd. After all the hard work to prepare; and get things in order, I finally can't believe that the time is near. I really don't like hospitals and am a little scared of going under. I'm wondering if anyone else has had pre surgery jitters. How did you overcome this anxiety?
Thanks Lee
I just took a deep breath and realized I didn't have a choice but to go through with the surgery. My health was at stake. Just for your info, there is a support group that meets in Carrollton. This months meeting is tonight but if you want the info on next months meeting let me know. Good luck- you won't regret the surgery.
I was nervous too, however had my family and a great friend with me as i went in to the operating room. My anesthesiologist was a sweetheart and Dr. Sherman is a man that's so gently and kind, very close to God. I love my surgeon and trusted him with my life. I can appreciate your nerves, and just rest in knowing that as soon as you close those eyes, you'll wake up on the road to recovery.