May I brag for a sec? Please?
Wow what a weekend....
I went to Nashville this weekend. My oldest son, goes to Belmont University there (It's a Christian Music College). He has a band that he's been working with for the past year. (Disclaimer - I'm not a big fan of the music...but I DO support him in his efforts...It's real hardcore and too much screaming for MY taste...albeit Christian lyrics.)
Anyhooz...this weekend was special, as his band was having their very FIRST CD Release Party!!! It was SOOOO cool. Keith had friends that drove in from all over!! He had friends drive in from here in Atlanta, Athens, Kentucky, Jax, Fl, Houston, Chicago, Boston and outerlying areas of Tennessee! I don't think there was a SOUL in the place that he didn't know!!! His nickname is "K-Shug" and he even had 3 kids that met him in camp in Missouri, that didn't even really know his band, but wanted to support him.
They made shirts special for the occasion... One said, "I heart K-Shug", another said "K-Shug Fanatic" and the other said, "K-Shug ROCKS!" I told him he had his fan club groupies there!!
Well, they needed 250 people to pay for the rental of the venue they had rented. Within 15 minutes, they already had 750 PEOPLE!!! Also, they had 3 different t-shirts for sale, and buttons, and posters, and of course CD's for sale, and after they played, I watched their merchandise just FLY off the shelf! It was amazing!
Their little band was given a check by the venue (AFTER the venue took out their $2000 rental fee), in the amount of $3500!!!! And heaven KNOWS how much $$$ they made off their merchandise!!!
proud of my boys (Keith and the boys in the band!) I bought 2 of their CD's and ran around and made them all sign my copies... I will frame one for myself, and I'll frame one and give it to Keith. His little fan club groupie kids wanted to have their picture taken with keiths' mom!! Cracked me up!!!
The only part that worked my VERY last nerve...
was ... since I was sitting on the stage during the concert, I could see stuff I probably wouldn't have seen from the floor.... (Keep in mind, this is mosh-pit, crowd surfing music..) Once, Keith, with no warning to the crowd, jumped up on a speaker, then just JUMPED RIGHT into the crowd!! OMG, I thought I would FAINT!!
As if that were not enough, my youngest, Christopher, (who LOVES his brother's band's music) made sure he was front & center at the foot of the everytime someone would jump into the crowd to crowd surf, I'd stroke out, worrying that Christopher was gonna get smushed to smithereens!! I'd be holding my breath until I'd see his face back up at the stage, pumping his arm, and singing along!! At one point, I look up, and who but my own Christopher, is crowd surfing...OH LAWD!! NOT good for a momma's heart!!!!
But, we got up early this morning, and went to breakfast with 9 of these kids, and they were regaling over the show last night, and just keeping me laughing the whole time!
Sorry to prattle on so much, but it was so KEWL
to see my son having success at something he has wanted ever since he was a teeny tot...(he has ALWAYS been a musical kid...)
This momma just had to BRAG BRAG!!!
Thanks for allowing!!
See you folks next weekend!!!

Congrats, you have the right to BRAG. When I read this it kinda reminds me of my 15 yr old nephew. He is taking Guitar lessons and wants to go to music school when he grads. He can play some kicka** music on his electric guitar and I'm so proud of him. I even have a clip of him playing on my myspace.
Brag on sister, Brag on!!
Can't wait to see you next weekend!!