Barium Swallow
Can we do this? I'm a bit concerned my PCP has asked that I have this done to rule out some stuff. I am having chest pain and we are ruling out cardiac stuff and GI stuff. I was just wondering if this is o.k. to do. She is aware of the surgery. I just can't gulp that chalky stuff. Anyone had this? I'm one year post-op.
Thank you!
I had this done twice...once was when I had Diverticulitis, and they (the hospital Radiology Dept) gave me two of them to drink...I had not completed the second one by the time I got to the Radiology Dept that morning, and when I told them I was a Bariatric patient...they said that I only needed to drink one of them...
The other time was when I had the CT scan back in April (it was the orange flavored stuff), and I just drank it at my leisure, and they just kept checking on me to see how much I drank, and when I guess I had drank enough, they came and got me for the actual CT scan.
Just dont rush drinking the stuff !!!!
Hey Stephanie,
Yes, it is ok for us to drink it, but ask your PCP if you can do the gastragrafin instead of the barium. It is alot easier to get down. My WLS surgeon prefers that over the barium, however I have done both. They are both nasty, the gastragrafin is just a little easier. Good luck, and let us know the results.... And feel better soon.