Nutrition information.
Okay It was asked in a separate post how to determine good carbs from bad carbs. Well - here's parts from an article that give some basic information about it.
Since the basic idea of the low carb diet is eating low carb foods, you are probably interested in knowing which are low in carbs. As it turns out, most foods high in protein and fat will usually have very few carbs. Meat, chicken, turkey, cheese, fish, eggs... these are all examples of low carb foods.
Once you've learned about low carb foods, the second most important thing a person on a low carb diet needs to know is which are good carbs, and which are bad carbs. First of all, the technical term for good carbs is complex carbs, and the technical term for bad carbs is simple carbs. Bad carbs (simple) are high glycemic. Good carbs (complex) are low glycemic. The term "glycemic" refers to the amount and speed a food will raise your blood sugar and insulin levels (which leads to fat gain).
"Bad carbs" (simple) are foods like white bread, white rice, pasta and all typical junk food high in sugar.
"Good carbs" (complex) on the other hand are foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and other whole grains.
Here's another one:
The closer a food is to its original form, the more nutritious it is. That's because every time a food is handled, exposed to heat or air, or otherwise altered, some nutrients are destroyed. For example, wheat loses its bran (fiber) and its germ (protein and vitamins and mineral) when it is made into white flour.
?When buying grain-based carbohydrates look, for the word "whole" in front of the name of the particular grain.
?When buying fruits and vegetables, purchase the freshest possible (best from an organic farmer at a local farm stand).
?Pay attention to the integrity of fruits and vegetables. A fresh apple with the skin still on is superior to apple sauce, a baked potato with its skin is better than mashed. Whole leaf lettuce is more nutritious than prepared, bagged salads because cutting the lettuce leaf has exposed the vitamins to air, which results in nutrient loss.
In order of most nutritious to least:
1. whole fresh
2. fresh frozen
3. canned
4. dried
To maintain maximum nutrition, cook vegetables for as short a time as possible.
At a restaurant, go with stir-fried, or sauteed vegetables, assuming they're not swimming in oil. Order sandwiches on whole wheat bread, baked potatoes instead of mashed or fried. If the choice is between white rice or a baked potato, take the potato and eat the skin too.
For breakfast, order oatmeal or bran muffins instead of English muffins or Danishes. Choose the whole wheat crackers from the cracker basket, buy only whole wheat or mixed whole grain bagels, buy cereal made from whole grains, use brown instead of white rice. Kudos for going the whole grain, whole food route! It's the way nature intended food to be! We sometimes forget that in this over-processed, over-packaged world of ours.
I hope this has shed some light on looking for "healthier" changes for some of you. This is a choice to lead a healthy life style. It's also a pshychological uphill battle to think "if it's low-fat it can't taste good." I've honestly found that my pallet for food changed once I started eating healther. I CRAVE the whole grains and natural foods where as before it wa always white bread and canned foods. It may average out to cost a few pennies more - but in the end we'e worth it!
Okay - who wants to help me pay for my nutritionalist/personal trainer class since that's really where I want to go with my carrer!!!
I would be first in line to help you out ...You always get me out of the "this sucks" mode and on to the "ship up " mode. So i will be the first to pay you for services but i told you that before ...I need to get back with you on that personal trainner thing ....Two weeks worth of food is what you need to know as to what i ate?
Yes - start today and write down everything you eat for the next two weeks. DON'T CHEAT even if you eat just "one" of something write it down.
Along with that write down how much a "serving" of calories is for it if it's available to you.
The next thing is GET ON the Gazelle that you've bought. Cardio is a fantastic way to have a quick burst of energy. Sometihgn that most people don't know about exercise is it releases endorphines in our body the HELP IMPROVE self esteem. You will need to do some weights but the majority of what you need initially is cardio to burn the fat off.
Remember to DRINK water BEFORE you treat yourself to drinking anything else. I'm not saying you can't have that glass of tea - but if you drink a full glass (8oz) of water you'll usually find you don't want it or even need it.
Something that most people don't know is that if you're "thirsty" your body is ALREADY dehydrated. If you don't like the taste of water go to wal-mart and get those flavorings for the water. They are fantastic and DO NOT count against the water!!!! (they're sugar free, no carbonation and delicious!)
You can do this Laura!!!! We're here for you!