Where does the time go??
Hello all my fellow Georgian's.. I was on here today and thought about updating my profile. I couldnt believe that it had been a year A WHOLE YEAR since I had updated. It is good to know that when I have questions or want to check in that Obesity Help is still here.. You know the funny thing is when I was searching about GBS I was on here hours at a time day after day.. I guess when you start loosing and it becomes regular life you go on with new adventures. Just wanted to let everyone know that this to me is still the best place for networking and finding some of the best friends. Honest answers and some great laughs. I sat down today to find out some information on Lung Cancer since my mom was just diagnosed and I wonder what am I gonna do without her. Again I turn to my friends on Obesity Help.. Since we have had the surgery we can't rely on food the way we used to let it comfort us. I guess I will have to lean on friends for support. Hey that is better anyway.. Cause with friends you dont have to count the calories or the Carbs and they are even sweeter than Candy! Please when you have a few extra seconds remember my mom in Prayer. She sacrificed so much to raise me and my sisters, I wanted her later years to be full of grandchildren and laughter. Not Doctors and Surgery. Thanks in advance for the prayers. Kim
Kim your Mom will be in my prayers and so will you and your sisters. I still have my Mom and I can't stand to think about not having her. She is 79 and in a nursing home, but I know she still prays for me and that's what I'll miss most about her when she is gone !! Mamas are the most special people in the world. They always love us no matter what. God bless you and your family. Judy