I had such a great day...
... that I just want to share....
Thursday I was riding with the District Certifier, and we were (basically) done with my training, and had just finished with one of his dealers... and we were talking about golf...
I told him my that one of my goals was to take up the game again, and that I really loved it when I used to play.... 10 years ago, and that I was really getting antsy to try to play again now that I have lost enough weight, but that I was also nervous because I had no idea how much I would remember... really, I had no idea if I could even hit the ball at all...
.... now keep in mind that this guy is going to also help me get transferred to his area, and that he will be responsible for me as my new senior AFM....
He says "hey, no time like the present, let's go find out"
I said "no way man, I haven't even held a club in over 10 years.... I need to go to a range before I even think about going to a course and playing... I may not even be able to hit a ball!"
Ya gotta love this guy... he says "OK... we'll go to a range"
Kinda funny pulling up to a driving range in a U Haul service rig, and getting a bucket of balls wearing the U Haul shirts and work boots... hehehe...
I gotta tell ya... I was sure torn about this.... wanting to accomplish one of the goals I had set, but so nervous about the possibility that accomplishing this goal may be a real long uphill battle...
I warmed up... loosened up for a little bit... and started taking some practice swings... and after about 10 minutes I had kinda-sorta found a rhythm I liked, and the 6 iron was skimming the ground in the same spot repeatedly... this alone was pretty encouraging...
Tapped a ball from the bucket, adjusted the lie a little... stepped up, and hit it dead straight 160 yards....
Oh Baby! Yea!
and another.... same result... and another... Holey Guacamole!!
Changed clubs, switched targets.... bladed a couple a little .... hit a few kinda thin... duck hooked the driver but was able to correct... hardest thing was calming down enough to think about the shot!!
Jamie (the guy training me) was talking the whole time... "man, that was sweet... don't change a thing" .... "step a little closer to the ball" ..... "... you're playing it too far forward in your stance" ... "you're aimed perfect, swing away" ...
Funny... I was so relaxed after hitting a couple and they jumped off the club face with that sweet sound you want to hear... that click... I even started trying to hit down on the ball a little more... making small corrections....
What a day.... really, what a day... finished my training and then went to a driving range and learned that I can finally do what I set out to do without any fear...
Golf again!
Thanks for listening... what a great day it was...