Pop Goes Sherry! Waaaah!
OMG...I thought my day couldn't get any worse.
My friend Jody came over for a study session. We're taking the Praxis
II for elementary education...we got our master's in it. We're music
teachers, so not qualified to teach regular 3rd grade per se.
So-we studied for a few hours.She left. I immediately got my recently
lifted bootie off the couch and went to the fridge to get a drink to
take my antibiotics for my thigh infection.
Sherry felt something down her leg. I first thought "My Gawd! I'm
peeing myself!" Then I looked down. It wasn't yellow. It was
chocolate milk. IT SMELLED SO BAD! I immediately called my Dr. on her
cell. My leg popped open (only the size of a pinhole) and leaked
infected blood all over herself and the kitchen.
Sooooo-Sherry is now going to the Dr. Tomorrow (thank goodness she'll
be at Northside tomorrow!) and get checked out. I hope I don't have
to get opened back up. That would beat getting aspirated with a foot
long needle without anesthesia though.
Everyone! KNOCK ON WOOD for no pain tomorrow! I know there's a bunch
more junk inside my leg b/c it's hard, bright pink and swollen.
Anyone want to take a guess on what goes wrong next? Things come in
3s...I'm on #2 today!