"Back On Track" working
Well people my "Back pn Track" program is working. I've lost 13 pounds. Now if I could lose about 30 more I'd be a new woman. Really this is the diet I was on for six months after I had the surgery, Mostly protein, and a little bit of carbs. I'm Going to Jeykll Island for the week end pray I don't fall of the wagon !! Y'all have a good Memorial Day. Judy
My doctor had this program at his office. There were only 6 WLS people in this class, it's a good program. It will last for 6 weeks.
We did the same type of food program we did when we first had surgery. I lost this in 4 weeks.
We have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. NO bread, pasta, sugar or sugar subs. and no starchy vegs. Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day. We have a lot of protein, tuna, chicken, beef, pork and fish, cheese, cottage cheese and eggs. And No more than 50 carbs a day. We were on this for 2 weeks. Hope this helps. Judy