Female Question, NO men allowed

Melissa F.
on 5/17/06 2:06 am - newnan, GA
Cause you won't know the answer anyway, lol. Have any of you noticed that since y ou've had a enormous amount of weight loss that your monthly is worse? I mean the last 7 years since I had my daughter I have cramped or (excuse my words here) bled that much at all, matter of fact I never knew when it was here til it arrived. Now the last 2 months, I hurt in my back a week before and (excuse the bluntness) bleed like a stuck pig, it's aweful. I know when I was smaller (age 16) I had to be put on birth control due to painful, heavy monthlys, I guess it's possible that it can return since I lost the weight right? If so I can't take it. I may have to go back on BC again.urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Oh and I finally lost another pound after a month, wohooo Melissa 241.5/163/?? Goal-140
on 5/17/06 3:26 am - Byron, GA
Mine really hasn't changed at all - if your monthly visit is getting that bad you might want to visit a Gyn just to be safe ya know? Kia
Melissa F.
on 5/17/06 6:13 am - newnan, GA
I got in touch with my Ob-Gyn and I have an appt. next Wednsday, May 24th, due to the fact I am on my monthy right now......hopefully they will put me on BC for this. Melissa 241.5/163/?? Goal-140
on 5/30/06 2:03 pm - Macon, GA
I work at an OB/GYN specialist in Lawrenceville. We just started doing in-office procedures called ThermaChoice. It's really neat, in 30 minutes (8 minutes for the procedure itself) the Dr. burns the lining of your uterus. What this does is takes away the problem of heavy cycles (menorraghia). Most women have very little bleeding after, and a few have no cycles. Of course, you'll need an ultrasound and endometrial biopsy first...and of course a history, etc. If you want more info, let me know or try this: http://www.gynecare.com/bgdisplay.jhtml?itemname=thermachoice_about&mi=1 Steph
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