surgical consults
I'll be quite upfront and honest with you. I have Dr. Duncan as my dr. and I was thrilled from the beginning, but it seems to me and I've heard this from other patients as well, that once you have the operation, you are kinda put on the back burner. It's like you were more important before surgery than you are afterwards. I have had a minor problem with Nausa(sp) and they did the routine gallbladder test and it come back that everything was fine, but instead of trying to do more test to find out what the problem was they just let it be so needless to see at this point I'm not impressed. I finally went to my PCP and he told me I have an ulcer. I just thought I'd give you the heads up, I don't regret the operation, but wished now I had chose another "more caring" facility. I have 3 friends that I personally know that say the same exact thing as me.
Good Luck with your choice.
Hi Okemi,
I think you and I are in the same boat....
I had my first consult with Dr. Duncan's office yesterday and I wasn't very impressed. I saw Dr. Fields, not Dr. Duncan for the first visit.
Dr. Duncan is the only Dr. around that I can find who accepts my insurance. I have BCBS, HMO.
I have also heard the same things about his office....that is aftercare is not very good?!?!? I don't know what to do either. It's so hard, it's normal to thing you're making the wrong decision about the doctor.
Good luck & keep us informed.
E-mail me anytime if you'd like...
Im going with Dr. burrowes. Dr. Duncan's office wasnt bad I just felt like I was not clear on what i needed to do and what my next steps would be. They just didn answer any questions. I like the personal attention at Dr. Burrowes, only I coan never go unless i have a whole day off. the wait is crazy