Question For the Guys..and any Ladies with insight
My wife had her RNY June 30, 2005 and has lost 120 lbs. to date. I am contimplating the surgery myself, but I am a little hesitant because she did not have any co-morbidities and I have several ( severe sleep apnea, diabetes, HBP). I have heard that men have a greater risk of complications and problems than women with this surgery..can anyone give me any insight? I will have to prove medical necessity to BCBS HMO to get it done, so I would like to have my info straight.
Does anyone know if United Healthcare still covers the surgery?
The co-morbidities will help you get approved with BCBS The Diabetes will go away in the first few weeks at the worst, if not the first few days. Sleep apnea will go away as you lose the weight. I was severe as well and am now off my CPAP and sleep like a baby. I don't knwo if us guys have a higher risk. I know one thing for certain. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I don't know much about HBP because I never had it. Hope this helps
Georgia Girl
on 5/15/06 11:04 am
on 5/15/06 11:04 am
Hi Eric..
Yes, United Healthcare does pay for it. You just need to make sure that your employer has not excluded it from your benefit package as the employee.
You have chosen a good doc for your surgery too!
Goodluck in your journey and if you should need any more help just hollar out and somebody will help ya.
Crece Hare
I think because men in general dont follow doctors orders well and tend to say I feel okay so I must be. They can fall into a trap of not taking proper care of themselves post operatively.
If you are carrying around an extra 100 pounds or so; in the long term just as dangerous. If you follow the proper diet and take your daily vitamins, get your labs done regularly, and follow your doctors instructions-- the weight loss from the surgery will be more than worth the risk to many people.
If your hypertension is due to the obesity, it may clear up. Hypertension can be linked to obesity. If your's is the case- it may become normal again or close to it.
If your sleep apnea is due to obesity, it should resolve or reduce in it's severity. Once you have lost weight and feel like you nolonger need the CPAP, get a new Sleep Study done to be sure you are cured.
If your diabetes is due to the obesity, it should resolve or become less severe. Many people are "cured" of it. Again - Doctor tells you that you are cured-not just a feeling.
There are many benefits to having gastric bypass surgery.
I was off of the C-pap within 6 months after surgery. My borderline HBP was also normal in 6 months. My wife had the surgery 2 months before me and it was a great source of support. Why dont you try you question on the mens board, we would love to have you over there: