Alive and well here :barf:

on 5/11/06 12:48 pm - Carrollton, GA
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here --- alive and mostly well. Having a bit of trouble with what might be a hernia- making me sick each time I eat, but going to see Dr. Hobson on 6-6-06 (do i need to change that date, or what?!) to see about surgery to have it repaired...i guess i didn't realize how common it was to get an internal hernia after surgery....pain was similar to ulcer pain---came on about 6 months after surgery and subsided for a bit, but came back here, at almost a year out and my pcp, who had wls a few months before me, diagnosed me this week and called Dr. Duncan's office for an appointment for me. Miss talkin to you all- and seein you all at the get-togethers each month, but money's been real tight lately, so I guess it might be a while before I'm back in the game as far as dinners.....Thinkin bout doing the Waffle House waitress thing over the summer while schools money money....hahaha....take care ya'll
Melissa F.
on 5/11/06 9:40 pm - newnan, GA
Lisa I would change that date if possible and try to get something sooner. I'll call you later on maybe Sunday Take care Melissa 241.5/164/??
on 5/14/06 10:20 am - Duluth, GA
Well just cuz we don't get to SEE ya, doesn't mean we don't THINK about ya!! Hope you get to feeling better...That thing sux...just got done going there myself...WHAT'S THAT ABOUT, HUH??? You keep doing what you are doing to grow and improve yourself, and mix that with your gorgeous-ness, there will be NO STOPPING you missy!!! HUGS TO YOU!!! Tami
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