Rocky Horror- Late Night Freak Show- WE HAVE TO GO!!!!!

Kelly S in GA
on 5/10/06 12:25 pm - Smyrna, GA
Calling all Rocky Horror Fans!!!! Recently at one of the get togethers we talked about going to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show--a midnight movie--for those who dont know. I would be happy to be in charge of planning this, I want to do it far enough in advance so everyone who wants to go can. Marty said they show it on Ponce de leon downtown on Friday nights and posted this site for those who are curious. What about June 16th or June 23rd???? Check your calendars and reply as to which date works best. Dee Dee (the virgin) HAS to go!!!!!!!!! And I need some of you Rocky *****s to join me! I need someone to have elbow sex with-LOL The void is calling! Let's answer Hugs, Kelly S
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/06 1:31 pm - Marietta, GA
OMG!! you want to have elbow sex? I am so there. Don't matter what day we pick I am off weekends
on 5/11/06 12:40 pm - Carrollton, GA
Dan and I would love to go. I'm sorta freaked out 'bout this elbow sex business--(as Dan just laughs) Dan says he'll bring rice (?!) Should I be scared? hahaha....(I too, am a virgin, dee-dee-you're not alone)
Kelly S in GA
on 5/11/06 1:28 pm - Smyrna, GA
Lisa! Dont be scared, its all in fun What date would you prefer 06/16 or 06/23????? Hugs, Kelly S
on 5/11/06 12:49 pm
THANK GOODNESS I won't be the on'y virgin there...and I'm going to tell you now Lisa - bring a change of clothes.....and a hair dryer! I'm so scared.....ELBOW SEX? Rice??? I'm gonna have to be convinced..... HELP!
Kelly S in GA
on 5/11/06 1:30 pm - Smyrna, GA
DEE DEE!!!!!!!!!!! Look this will be cake walk compared to some of the trouble you could get into at Wild Bills! lol There is nothing to fear, its all in fun What date would you prefer??? 06/16 or 06/23???? We need to do this!!!!! Hugs, Kelly S
on 5/12/06 6:06 am - Carrollton, GA
Either date is good for me......and dee dee----why the hair dryer? um.... was going to say i like to be wet but it sounded perverted....sorry... Imma have to read a bit about all the hubbub here before we go. I am prolly having surgery early june to repair my hernia...but surely, unless i'm still in the hospital, I'll be able to rocky horror with you guys. Hmmmm....more trouble than wild bills? now THAT is scarey. Hugs
on 5/12/06 10:11 pm
The 23rd is better for me..... I'm still nervous about it.....but I'll be there! Do we dare do dinner before hand???
Kelly S in GA
on 5/13/06 9:44 am - Smyrna, GA
Great! Glad you can come Dee Dee. We should probably plan on meeting somewhere nearby like Manuels Tavern or somewhere and at least have a couple of drinks. Also we can make sure all the virgins dont chicken out!!!!!!! Meanwhile, we need to go to Wild Bill's sometime soon! Hugs, Kelly S
on 5/14/06 10:36 am
then it's the 23rd...okay - I'll be there....maybe we can go to WB's after that!!!!???? And guess what - Lynn is coming back in town on the 26/27th of this month (May) so we can plan Wild Bills for that night.....(Whatever that Saturday is!!!!) Ya'll may have to get me nice and toasted.....I'm not so sure about these things!!!! Dee Dee
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