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Thanks Betty & Bonnie for your replies. I think I was just freaking out
, because today, I'm okay.
There were other things going on in my life when I posted the questions. I'm ready, and I'm okay.
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
Listen string, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. I understand your gratitude, but I agree with Bonnie. Perhaps you should talk with Willie. I wish you all the best!
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
Your a crack up!! Thank goodness you still have your sense of humor.
Don't offer to pay for the anestisia (unless you can and you get desperate), I ment for you to deal with Willie instead of Helen. Willie is more tolerant and kinder. Just call him and ask what he suggest, should you make arrangments or what?? Please keep us up~dated
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for your reply. Shes his WIFE, WOW WEE, I am really happy to know that.
No not tenative date, Its a real date, but they dunno if anestia ppl. will be working or not so I just show up and hope they knock me out.
Your brilliant Bonnie!! I will call Willie and ask if I can pay the anestisia myself........................Or just bring some Jack Daniells and tell em to get slicing...ouch (NOT)
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
Hi Rhonda Thank you for replying. I really am not going to press them because I am medi medi and supposedly Dr. Fobi doesn't get paid as much from my medi medi insurance but he does do a few a week for charity. So I am very greatful Dr. Fobi takes medi medi (cuz alot don't) and happy I get in so quick, and will just foloow directions and hope it is my turn!
I choose the Fobi because of the band. Food stays in our pouches longer and empties a lot slower, so I stay full longer. I suggest you look at ALL your options, the Fobi pouch may not be what is right for you!! And also other surgeons are not going to recommend something THEY don't do themselves. I personally don't recommend the staple surgery because I've met A LOT of people with staple lines that came undone from over eating. Just get educated before you do anything!!
Fobi pouch is not the same thing as banding. Bands can stretch and the stomach then will become larger if you eat more than you should. The pouch is cut and a ring is used to support it, not regulate the size. That is my understanding. Look up on this site for information on the different types of WLS.
Good luck on your journey.
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
I know exactly how you feel, trust me, with your Medi Medi nothing is for sure!! What ever you do don't stop calling.
Just thought you should know Helen is dr Fobi's wife. I wrote to dr fobi and complained about how mean she was, that would be BEFORE I knew she was his wife!!
Did she say it was a tentative date??
I'm wondering if they want you to pay for the anestisia?? Maybe you should ask for Willie or someone else??
What ever you do, DON'T give up!!
Topic: RE: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
I'll reply to you, stringbean, cause I don't think anyone else is going to! You aren't kiddin', no one ever seems to be here!
Anyway, I think Helen was way out of line telling you--a patient--that there was a problem with the anesthesiologist! That just had to make you feel all comfy
I think that you should press them and be firm. Tell them you have arrangements to make, rides to get and you can't plan with a "maybe"! I know how you feel. Sometimes Fobi's office just isn't "on it". Know what I mean??? I'm starting to even question whether or not I should have my surgery there
Topic: pls. HELP Surgery Nov. 8th
Hi fellow fobi erz,
I got a date!!!! I think?...........OK this is weird, I did all my pre-ops with the Dr. Fobi group and then they said "we'll call you in 2 to 3 weeks, soooo, tic toc tic toc, I was patient in the second week but by the third week I called every day, I finally got ahold of Helen (three week three days) I asked if she got pre op results and if I could get a date, then shes like "we have a cancelation on Nov. 8th" So we sceduled my surgery date, heres the weird part....she said that she was not sure because the anestisia people were complaining because they weren't getting paid enough with my medi, medi, insurance, That Dr. Fobi was having a problem with the anestia people. So ok this is BIG surgery!! Am I having it or not????? I would like to start aranging my rides, telling my family and ALL the other preperation. But I really don't know if I am having the surgery or not? Can anyone help? I feel I'm hanging on a string