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on 3/25/13 10:11 am
Topic: RE: silastic ring?

I had the gastric bypass in 2001 weighing 499 pounds. I lost 201 pounds which took me to 298 pounds. I continued to walk and wanted to lose about 50 more pounds, but unfortunetly I started to gain weight and wonder why when I still felt full and could not eat a whole lot but I founded myself eating a little more than normal. I started having a lot of pain at the top part of my stomach and had an END done and found out that the silastic ring was floating in my stomach. It was removed by a surgeon through my throat. I want it replaced because I am feeling knee pain again and I am not happy at all. I visited another Biatric surgeon because the one who performed mines in 2001 has retired. Any suggestions.

on 3/8/13 11:46 am
Topic: RE: Fobi pouch after previous RNY
I had one of the original Fobi Pouches 17 years ago when I was 45 years old.
Starting weight of 235lbs. (5'3"). I'm now 63, and continue to weigh between 105-115. It hasn't all been a picnic-- I'm still prone to "dump" if I eat too much food, or something that is too greasy or sugary. I have gas when I eat things that don't agree with my system-- but, in general, I think of it as my own personal weight control alarm!!
17 years ago there wasn't as much discussion about what to eat how, how much fluid to drink, or how important the supplements are -- hence,I had to learn the hard way by becoming anemic, and protein deficient. I've also had several bouts with Kidney stones which are sometimes listed as a bariatric surgery side effect.

Knowing what I know, do I think the surgery was a great decision for me? Yes, absolutely! I'd been a fat kid, and always a fat adult. I hated every aspect of being obese--and the thought of developing hereditary heart disease and diabetes was terrifying to me. The ring on the Fobi pouch is gooooood because it's there forever--- it's a constant reminder to eat small. I've seen many people who've "tricked" the ring by grazing on garbage all day and have gained most or all of their weight back-- but the majority of us *****alize its a tool we've been given to help control our weight-- we keep the weigh off. Any weight loss surgeries are only a tool-- they are not magic bullets-- everyone still needs to put heart and soul effort into it.

BTW-- my daughter also had bariatric surgery (no ring) 7 years ago-- she's had 3 babies as is doing great! She works really hard at providing a healthy eating environment for her family. She's 5'2" and keeps her weight below 125. (90 lb lost)

You can do this!!! Really you can!! With or without surgery -- you can do this!!!
on 2/11/13 4:18 am
Topic: RE: HELP please
Maybe try cutting carbs for a few weeks?
on 2/8/13 9:21 pm - Wilson, NC
Topic: Revision to Fobi Pouch

I would love to hear about your full experience with the Fobi Pouch. I had RNY in 2003, my total weight was 296 lbs. and ended at 196 lbs. I lost my insurance, was not able to continue after care and support, had knee surgery, stopped smoking, and some man ran into me injured my back and totaled my car. Now I am up to 258 lbs. and contemplating a revision. Fobi sounds like a winner. I need as much information as I can get.

on 2/1/13 7:20 am
Topic: RE: How do you prepare your fish?

Thank you for your reply. I will look for Oven Fry. (I am looking for something to replace breading so the other things would not work for me ) Thanks!


on 2/1/13 5:51 am - WI
Topic: RE: How do you prepare your fish?

Try to find an item called Oven Fry.Follow directions on package. I tell my friends there is no special seasoning for fish, use what you have in fridge, Salsa,Italian Dressing, Honey Mustard, BBQ. Think of it like Hamburger what goes with ground Beef. Keep trying You will find something you like. (fish Taco Salad)

Tammy C.
on 1/30/13 1:18 am
Topic: 2013: 20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

2013:  20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our family members and friends can get quite creative and even funny with what they resolve to do in the New Year.  Here a few good ones I have heard along the way...Oh, and a few of my own!

1.  I resolve to stop procrastinating about procrastinating!

2.  I will stop sending Facebook messages and emails to my loved ones when they are in the same room as I am!

3.  I will use my treadmill for something other than a place to hang my jacket.

4.  I will not sit at the kitchen table in my PJ's all day.  Instead, I will move my computer to my bedroom.

5.  I vow to never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night!

Click here to read more!

All my best, 

Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
OH Magazine
on 1/26/13 11:09 pm - Wilson, NC
Topic: RE: Hi all, just a question

I am searching the same and found this clip by the Dr. who the "Fobi Pouch" is names after.


I hope this helps you.

on 1/25/13 9:33 am - Wilson, NC
Topic: RE: Fobi pouch after previous RNY

I would love to hear about your full experience with the Fobi Pouch. I had RNY in 2003, my total weight was 296 lbs. and ended at 196 lbs. I lost my insurance, was not able to continue after care and support, had knee surgery, stopped smoking, and some man ran into me injured my back and totaled my car. Now I am up to 258 lbs. and contemplating a revision. Fobi sounds like a winner. 

on 1/21/13 4:09 am
Topic: RE: getting back on track
Oh I wish I knew ...I had my sleeve done in 2010 and have gained back 20lbs ugh, my clothes don't fit. Tried to start off with the liquid diet but no more will power on that.
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