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on 7/29/13 2:29 pm - Paso Robles, CA
Topic: RE: Trying to decide!!
I had the RNY on May 13,2013, best thing I ever did, the first two weeks is nothing but luquids, my fav was chicken broth and veggie broth. I could also have yougart with no chunks, yes it was boring but it is only two weeks. Could have all pthe sugar free kool aid and and water I wanted. The next two weeks I could have refried beens with laughing cow cheese mmmm the best. But its not all that bad, buy the time you go back to doc for your three month check you can just about eat what u did befor but still have to watch carbs and sugars. My starting wight was 352, I am now 271, at all most three months out. Want to wish you luck on your journey. If you have any ?? Messange me.
on 7/9/13 7:10 am
Topic: RE: silastic ring?

Questions!!  I ot the silastic ring done 12 years ago.  I have vomiting issues weekly-if not daily.  It's so unpredictable--can be a sip of a soft drink...or a cracker--I just never know when it's gonna hit.  Does anyone else have this problem?  i'm wondering what I should do--it's been going on forever--I moved right after the surgery and never had any follow up visits.  I know I need to go to a doc about it--just wondering if this is just how it goes after surgery???  Anyone else having this problem? 

(deactivated member)
on 7/3/13 7:51 pm
Topic: help needed
I'm a nurse from Poland. I'm suffering from the morbid obesity science I remember. In my country there is a difficulty to undergo the bariatric surgeries, it's still not popular and the people do not have a knowladge about it. I'm trying to write a master thesis about the quality of life after bariatric surgeries. The main aim of it is to make a surgeries more popular by showing how life saving it is. It in NOT for any marketing reaserch or anything like that. I'm studying nursery on Jagiellonian University, the resulsts will be analysed and used in a masters thesis, and hopefully If I will get enought of respondents I will publish the results for the use of medical stuff in Poland. My opinion is that the feedbeck from the patients is the most valiable sourse of how the procedures are recieved. I kindly request your help in conducting research aimed at improving the quality of life of people after bariatric surgery. The questionnaire is anonymous. The questionaire contains 39 questions it takes about 10-15 min. It is very important to answer all of them. Please help me to help other people who struggle with obesity.
mary C.
on 6/30/13 2:10 am - CT
Topic: Stomach pain
I'm 5 years out and I have from the beginning had abdominal pains some not as bad as others but it can double me over . Has any one else experienced this?
on 6/17/13 8:29 pm
Topic: RE: question for Fobi pouches

My surgeon explained it this way.  To measure the size of your stomach eat a small amount of cottage cheese and stop when you are feeling  full. You must start eating at first on pureed or baby foods.. That way, you know how much food to eat in meal without taking  too much on your plate. I ate 1 small jar of baby food.  After that I always took a can of cream of chicken soup with me to a friend's house if I was unable to eat the foods served. I mixed it wit low fat or skim milk and heated it up there.  I always carry a protein bar or a few sticks of cheese with me in my purse if I am away from home for extended periods of time to prevent severe hunger and dizziness..  I still have good days and bad days with my new stomach. It takes a while to learn what foods you can and can't eat.

You must drink fluids 15 minutes before and after a meal and not with a meal to prevent vomiting and aid digestion. 

After 13 years, my stomach still will only hold 4 oz of food.  If I eat more, I vomit.  This was a life-saving procedure for me.  I was able to loose 200 pounds in a year and have maintained 170 pounds of it successfully.

Before surgery I was 305 pounds, diabetic, and out of breath constantly.  I was unable to walk more that 1 block away from my home.

My surgeon had me start out with soft pureed foods or baby food for the first 6 weeks, and 4 protein shakes a day (whey) then gradually increase it to soft foods, and then, normal food. You must thoroughly chew every bite.  There are still certain foods at I can't digest. I am unable to eat Chinese food at all and most crucifierous vegetables.  I must maintain fluid intake and by sipping small amounts of water all day from a water bottle, like one that can be bought from a container store.

on 6/15/13 10:03 pm
Topic: RE: 1 week recouperation after FOBI realistic? (please say yes)

In my experience it took 6 weeks to recover from the operation and then a few months to gradually introduce foods again, beginning with soft foods. Most surgeries take that long to heal.  I began exercise after that healing time. I had the surgery(RNY with fobi pouch) in August so I could recover during the hot summer months and then be able to exercise when the weather had cooled as I live in central AZ. My surgery was 13 years ago. I was able to loose 200 pounds in one year. I still maintain 170 pounds of the weight. I take a protein bar with me where ever I go and water to sip as it is essential to remain dehydrated to have enough protein if I am out for extended periods of time. Whey protein was highly recommended by my surgeon.

on 5/2/13 12:53 am
Topic: RE: 1 week recouperation after FOBI realistic? (please say yes)

I had a Fobi the first time on 09 - I had it in Mexico and was out of work for a total of 8 days including travel time. At work, I sat at a desk and was very tired. I had not energy for several months. Presenting all day seems like it would be too much post-op, but who knows.


on 4/30/13 9:08 pm - United Kingdom
Topic: 1 week recouperation after FOBI realistic? (please say yes)

Scheduled for fobi revision tomorrow, post RNY (originally done 2009).  

Am worrying about recouperation timelines after reading posts on this board.  I have allowed 3 days for hopsital, followed by a week's recouperation time working from home office, before embarking on a 7 week program of work, requiring long haul international travel to a mix of developed and developing countries,  pretty much back to back with the odd day back home with my 3 small children before heading off again.  I don't have a lot of choice in this since am a) the breadwinner and b) self employed and c) keeping the surgery secret from everyone I know except my hubbie and he's not really all that interested.

I literally bounced back from original RNY, went back to work after 3 days, commuted and never really thought anything about it, but at least i was in my own country with access to my kitchen for fluids and purrees etc, whereas now I'm only going to have that for a week, then will either be on a plane, in a hotel and will be standing up presenting all day, every day with large groups.   Had convinced myself this will be fine, but now having read all these posts about how hard it is to adjust to the FOBI restrictions am now having a major wobble...

Is this realistic?   I would find it VERY helpful to hear some good news stories if there is anyone else out there with a FOBI who found they bounced back to full function quite quickly.


on 4/28/13 10:57 am
Topic: RE: Knot in upper stomach????

Pains under ribs/upper stomach.  I am over 10 years post Fobi Pouch, and for the second time, have gotten down below 175lbs.   I have recently begun having heartburn and stomach pain in that area so sharp it wakes me up.  I can barely keep my bra on during the day, have tried a sports bra or chamisole, and wonder if this may be causing issues?

By the end of the day, if I went without a bra, my midback is killing me.  If I have worn a bra, the pressure on the point between my breasts is so tender I cannot stand it.

Could my breasts sagging could be putting pressure on the center causing pain?

I know it sounds crazy, but I duct tape my d's today, and the pain was gone immediately.  I have worn it all day.  No hearburn, and no midback pain.



on 4/15/13 9:58 am
Topic: What is the best protein shake?
I begin my liquid diet saturday and surgery 10 days after. Can anyone recommend a good protein shake? Also, what type foods you eat after surgery..
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