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on 10/23/06 8:28 am - McCrory, AR
Topic: RE: Fobi Pouch..need help

Gina ~ I had my surgery done in Atlanta Dec. 2000.  I moved a few months later to a really small town in Arkansas.  My docters don't know how to treat me as far as how much medicine I shoud take when needed and even keeping checks on my blood counts are a test for them.  I have to travel to Little Rock if I have to do anything mecically.  With that said ~ I've gotten used to it all.  Fobi pouch is MUCH more restrcited than regular RNY.  So I can't say for anyone else that this would be the right surgery for everyone.  Do your home work ~ there wasn't much information out when I had my surgery.  The chances for weight re-gain are less likely but you have to stick to a smaller menu when you are able to eat solid food.  So you have to make sure you supplement your diet accordingly.  I can tell you all kinds of stuff and write for hours.  If you want to chat via email I would be more than glad to share my experiences with you.  [email protected]

on 10/17/06 7:48 am - Leicester, NC
Topic: Anybody here?

There hasn't been a post in here since late September.  Are there any people around who had the Fobi procedure?  My doctor talked to me about it.  It sounds like it is the same as the RNY just with the silastic band.  Is that correct or is the actual pouch or limb different too?  I think I want the band.  I originally wanted the lap band but that isn't going to happen because of insurance so I thought this might be the next best thing. 

Lorraine E.
on 10/4/06 8:54 pm - Augusta, MI
Topic: RE: Medical Alert Card
Where or how do I get a medical alert care that states that I can request a child's menu at a resturant?
on 10/4/06 4:28 am - Cottage Grove, WI
Topic: RE: i love filet mignon ... Fobi or RNY?
Hi Debbie,  Have you researched the VSG (vertical sleeve)?  My daughter eats steak with no problem.  Obesity Help has a VSG site so if you want, please come over and read posts and proflies and add to your research.  Priscilla
on 9/27/06 4:01 am - Lithonia, GA
Topic: RE: Medical Alert Card
Hi, I have used the card several times and at different restaurants, and I have never had a problem.  The best time to present the card is when you are giving the waiter your order.  Sometimes the waiter looks at the card with a funny look and then takes it to get approval.  All in all, no problems though.  I am three years out and now I just order a regular meal and ask for a doggy bag when the food is first served; this way I have another meal already prepared for the next day's lunch or etc.
Zenia H.
on 9/24/06 6:33 am - Bellport, NY
Topic: Dealing with the tenderness and the healing
Hi All, 16 daydays post op and still dealing more with the tenderness and pain I feel. taking baby food ok but mixes the fruits with the dinners to make it taste better. trying to do the walking but i get sore and tender. The gas is not so bad it passes but can't get the full amount of fluids in. regular taste nasty so I try to do the ice chips for now and the propel water. but it's hard. Zee 


on 9/18/06 3:55 am - North Hollywood, CA
Topic: i love filet mignon ... Fobi or RNY?
Hi all, i need to start finish deciding which surgery i should get.  i LOVE filet mignon and eat it once a week, prepared medium rare or judst under medium rare. Anyone here have experience with steak who's already had Fobi surgery? Thank you, sg Debbie
on 9/5/06 3:16 am - Wood River, NE
Topic: RE: Fobi Pouch..need help
I had the Fobi pouch in November 1998.  I started out at 252, i am now 129 and steady there.  I also had a baby 3 1/2 years ago.  I have relatively few problems, low iron a couple of times, but that is it. I am completely happy with the procedure and would recommend Dr. Fobi a million times over!  Good luck. ~Kathy
Amy Williams
on 8/21/06 12:03 am
on 8/12/06 8:57 am - Los Angeles, CA
Topic: WLS
Hello Veronica I am in the same boat as you I weigh 255 lbs . I am just a little bit taller than you . 5ft 5" I gathering information on WLS maybe we can support each other in our quest. Velvet
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