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Tammy C.
on 1/3/08 8:05 am
Topic: Special Offer: Happy New Year From OH Magazine!
Dear OH Member, It’s a New Year, a New You and for ONE month only, a NEW lower OH Magazine subscription price! You can now subscribe to OH Magazine through January 31st for the lowest price ever: just $14.95 a year! (Regular price is $25 a year.) Your one-year subscription will bring you six great issues filled with Health Tips, Recipes, Advice, Laughter, Hope and Inspiration. OH Magazine is the IDEAL gift for yourself or someone you love! Make it one of your New Year’s resolutions to take advantage of this limited time offer. Subscribe for yourself today or give a gift subscription! Visit:,items/typeId,2/ or click on the OH Magazine cover at the top of the ObesityHelp pages. To order by telephone: 1-866-297-4966 OH Magazine—Real Lives, Real People, Real Solutions Here’s to a Happy New Year and Healthy You! *2 year subscription-Save $15   3 year subscription-Save $20
Miss B
on 12/29/07 4:44 am - Huntersville, NC
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
I had the fobi pouch lap, no problems.  I love my fobi pouch......... the band is around the stoma to stop it from stretching, not the pouch. It is very hard to stretch the pouch, it is the stoma that stretchs. According to me doctor it is caused from people not chewing their food well enough. The band stops that from happening. 

Made it to ONDERLAND!!!!!!!

Kristi K.
on 12/14/07 3:00 am - Woodbridge, VA
Topic: RE: bread
My doctor told me he could tell me anything he wanted but he knew that I would do what I wanted or what worked for me. I can not year bread unless it is toasted very dark. You will know if you dont want it again.
on 12/12/07 3:43 pm
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Hi, I had a revision on Dec 4th, and I thought my Dr did the lap band around my RNY pouch, but I had my followup today and he told me he did a fobi pouch. I was so confused, I haven't heard much about that on these sites. I am looking everything up that I can. I did have mine lap, and had a hernia repair and gallbladder removal at the same time.
Linda S.
on 12/6/07 3:54 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Thanks for the info Floyd. I find myself eating more than in the beginning, but I make sure it is protein, or veggies, the tiniest bit of anything like sweet potatoes or such. I have such a fear of gaining any weight,I am almost at goal. Congratulations to both you and your wife.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 12/6/07 2:30 am - Lawrence, IN
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch

Hi Linda,

The Fobi pouch is a RNY.  The main difference is that after they do the RNY, they put a band around the pouch.  It restricts the intake even more.  Everything I eat has to be about the size of a dime or it'll get stuck.  I know even RNYers have this too.  The Fobi pouch RNY cannot be done laproscopic, only open.  I think the laproscopic RNY is more widely used for that reason.  The reason Brenda and I chose the Open was because they had some indication that it was more statistics, but we decided to go with it anyway.  For us, it was the right choice.  Now that Brenda's band has been removed, hers is just like the normal RNY.  I still have the band and have had no problems.  We are both at goal now.  I'm actually lower than I hoped for.  I've lost 140 pounds and Brenda lost 195 pounds. Have a great weekend.  Always good to see your posts.  Floyd


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Linda S.
on 12/6/07 12:25 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Thank you dear. I know you don't know me,I hang out on OFF the over 50 forum. The way I came across your posting is I saw Randy Jackson on The View...which I enjoy since they have Whoopi on there...LOL. No lectures from me, I was curious. I run a thread on OFF, where we plan our menus everyday and that helps me, and anyone who wants to contributes,it helps us. I was sincerely curious,you are so a beautiful young lady, and I hope it all works out for you. I wish you the very very best. Be blessed.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


on 12/5/07 8:06 pm - Columbia, SC
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Hi Linda, I will be happy to tell you why I regained alot of my weight back (I didn't gain all back).  First, I hope your post is not asking to lecture me about my "tool."  With that said about 2 years out I started back struggling with weight.  I never had dumping syndrome so I could still eat whatever I want without side effect.  Eventually, the pouch stretches out and I can now eat almost as much as I could pre-surgery.  Unfortunately, bad habit crept back and I was back on the yo-yo dieting track again.  A good forum you should view is the revision forum.  Hopes this helps.
Linda S.
on 12/5/07 12:37 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Hi Darnell,can you tell me how you gained your weight back?? Thanks...

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Linda S.
on 12/5/07 12:35 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: anybody having complications with fobi pouch
Hi Floyd,I am soooooo confused what is the difference between and RNY and a Fobi pouch?? Thanks..

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


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