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on 2/12/09 9:22 am - apple valley, CA
Topic: RE: Post surgery skin removal
i have heard of that before someone else was telling me about that. I heard that Loma Linda Hospital did that but i am not sure of who you would contact or talk to about that.
on 2/12/09 5:46 am
Topic: Post surgery skin removal
My son underwent bypass surgery almost 4 years ago.  He has had several health issues due to the huge amounts of skin left.  Because he is a disabled father of two and on medicaid, we understand that medicaid will not pay for the skin removal as they consider it plastic surgery.  We heard that there are places that will help pay for this surgery if you donate the skin.  Does anyone know anything about it? 
Barbara C.
on 2/10/09 10:53 pm - Raleigh, NC
Topic: How cupcakes help support Ovarian Cancer Research

As I'm nursing my cold, I had the TV on today and Kelly Rippa announced that she has teamed up with Electrolux to help raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Each time you send a 'virtual' cupcake to someone, Electrolux will donate $1.00 to OCRF and enter you in a drawing to win an Electrolux's new washer/dryer set.

If you are interested in support OCRF, click this link to send a virtual cupcake:

Why don't you make a cupcake and send it to a friend? The can enjoy it without worrying about having it settle on their hips! Each one you send will raise $1.00 for OCRF.

What could be sweeter?

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Soul Flower
on 2/9/09 1:07 am
Topic: Chronic Illness wls Support Group
What is Chronic Illness?
"A chronic illness is a condition that lasts a year or longer, limits activity, and may require ongoing care. More than 125 million Americans have at least one chronic condition, such as diabetes, cancer, glaucoma, heart disease, Fibromyalga, Multiple Sclerosis, and Lupus. Nearly half as many have more than one chronic condition."

This group was specifically created for WLS candidates and post ops who like me face the unique challenges that living with a chronic illness may often present.  As individuals with a chronic illness, we face greater challenges that the typical mainstream weight loss surgery patient may not face.
Sometimes we feel left out of the loop as we read about others who are doing certain activities that we are no longer able to fully tolerate.  

You may find the group by clicking on groups in your index. Once at groups, type in the word Chronic Illness in the search box and the correct group will appear.
Thank you for your interest,
Obesity Help Support Group Leader.
on 2/3/09 12:29 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
Topic: RE: up chucking everything
YES! i'm almost five years out now, but about three or four weeks out I stopped being able to eat or drink, let alone swallow my own saliva, I had a quick endoscopy and the Dr. stretched my band which had evidently been put on too tight. Since then I am ok. I've had other complications. And to this day I often can't keep my food down, but if i stay away from sensitive foods (fried greasy or sugary foods) and chew and watch my portion and speed, I'm ok.

This seems to be a struggle that never ends, but i'm greatful, even though it's a big pain, because i've kept all the weight off.
on 2/3/09 12:26 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
I'm almost five years out Fobi, still within my goal range. But here's my question... after the healing is done, and years have passed are there any of you out there that are able to eat large portions again? In essence, I want to know if anyone has returned to old habits further out (I know it's hard to do it early on with Fobi...)

on 2/3/09 12:21 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
Topic: RE: My Fobi Pouch is gone!
If your pouch is gone, wouldn't that indiacte a straight bypass was done without a pouch? Maybe your pouch stretched and is now the same as the attached deudenum? What does your GI Dr have to say about this?

on 2/3/09 12:19 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
Topic: RE: Any Fobi folks stop losing and now gaining after a few years?
Wow, I've never heard that before, and it sounds frightening. I'm a Fobi pateint too. I'm almost five years out and still at a a nice low weight. I've put on about ten pounds from my most emaciated low unhealthy weight, and finally, after five years can start eating child size portions. But i've never heard of the pouch dissapearing....
on 2/3/09 12:16 pm - Sherman Oaks, CA
Topic: RE: How does the Fobi Pouch differ from RNY?
Hi, I'm a Fobi patient, almost five years out. I think it's really hard with the silastic ring and the bypass and reasizing of the pouch to cheat and start over eating, or overindulging, let alone gain the weight back. I was 256, and I'm still at 126 five years out. Hindsight in mind, i can't imagine having done a simple lap band or just the RNY because i'm sure i would have defaulted to old habits and gained weight back.
on 2/3/09 3:43 am - Wilmington, CA
Topic: RE: How does the Fobi Pouch differ from RNY?

Hello, Hello!  I am a Fobi patient, just about 5yrs out.  There is a Silastic Ring that controls the stomach outlet size and it prevents the stretching of the opening of the pouch and has proven to improve long term weight maintenance results.  The percentage of weight gain after surgery is much lower than with a regular Roux-en-Y bypass.  Visit the link here on obesity help.  Lots of info.  Good luck.

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