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on 8/7/14 4:08 am

I came across your post while looking for information on ring removal. I also am in upstate NY and my new doctor wants to remove my ring. Very afraid of gaining weight. Did you even get your issue resolved?

on 8/7/14 3:50 am
Topic: New Dr. wants to remove Fobi rings!

My surgeon retired. I found a new doctor because I was very concerned about gradual weight gain over the last 4 year (8 years post-op) and vomiting from eating meats. My new doctor wants to remove my rings. He said that it will help me eat meat, but I am afraid of gaining more weight. He said that this is a possibility and after 6-12 months we can revisit a revision.

The vomiting is inconvenient sometimes, but I have become a pro at handling it when it happens. I really was only complaining about the vomiting because I wanted an excuse for a revision for my insurance company. I went from 350lbs. to 165 to 233. I have plateaued here for the last year, but this plateau comes with only eating an average of 1200-1500 calories per day. On days that I exercise, I will allow myself up to 1800 calories per day. I am doing 30 minutes of cardio (jogging or elliptical) 3 times per week and weights 2-3 times per week. I count every calorie in an app. I have even taken to meal replacements, medifast or protein shakes, for lunch to help get things moving. Nothing.

Has anyone removed their ring? I am so afraid to do this!

on 7/16/14 2:40 am - Redlynch, Australia
Topic: Fobi ring added to RNY soon.

I'm 11 mths out from RNY REVISION, I'm now getting the Fobi ring added in Sept this year, any advice ?

on 7/16/14 2:37 am - Redlynch, Australia
Topic: RE: 13 years Later

I hope you get some answers soon, :(

on 5/4/14 8:59 pm
Topic: RE: What is the best protein shake?

have you tried putting frozenfruit or powdered peanut butter

on 4/6/14 12:59 pm
Topic: 13 years Later

a  later I had theFOBIv POUCH performed by Dr. Cellio Burrowes in . At this point in time I cannot eat one bite of food without being so sick its not even funny.  I used to know that I could only eat very small amounts fruits vegetables and seafood.Now I can Not eat a very small amount of Anything without being immediately sick.  his office will not answer my calls they do not even acknowledge that I was ever a patient.I fear death like so many patients before. I don't know what to do.

on 4/6/14 12:59 pm
Topic: 13 years Later

a  later I had theFOBIv POUCH performed by Dr. Cellio Burrowes in . At this point in time I cannot eat one bite of food without being so sick its not even funny.  I used to know that I could only eat very small amounts fruits vegetables and seafood.Now I can Not eat a very small amount of Anything without being immediately sick.  his office will not answer my calls they do not even acknowledge that I was ever a patient.I fear death like so many patients before. I don't know what to do.

on 3/26/14 1:07 am - Concord, NC
FobiPouch on 03/15/12
Topic: Help!

I am two years out from surgery my highest weight was 265 and my lowest is 159. I have gain up to 185 over the last year. I am having a lot of trouble eating meats especially Beef also eggs makes me feel like I am dying now when I eat them. I have been eating a lot of carbs because it doesn't make me sick.  Any suggestions. Protein shake are now making me nauseous I think because I have drank them so much. Has anyone had this problem. Also I stay HUNGRY all the time. I have even started drink Soft drink just to get some sugar in me that I think I am lacking

on 2/10/14 4:37 am
RNY on 05/13/13
Topic: RE: What is the best protein shake?

My husband and I both had RNY by the same surgeon and have had very much the same overall experience. Our answers would vary WIDELY! I think that the 'best' protein shake is one with the right kind(s) of protein that you can tolerate and provides excellent nutrition. 

Beyond that, it is very much a taste and tolerance thing. 

Do you like sweet, salty, savory? Do you like thick drinks or thin juices? Are you someone who wants to pop a container and go or are you interested in making your own?



HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 11/20/13 12:26 am, edited 11/20/13 12:29 am
Topic: RE: support for skin

I'm not sure where you are, but if your excess skin is causing medical problems, you might qualify as a medical necessity.

I will be having LBL/thghplasty between now and January 30th.  My insurance approved the procedures on November 4th.  Going ot a consult next month with the doctor who took over my original surgeons practice.  Original surgeon decided to retire at the end of the year, and I couldn't nake it onto the schedule to be his absolute last patient.

If you are having skin issues, like breakdown, cellulitis, or anything else, make sure you document that - day, date , what happened, whethere or not you went to the doctor or ER, treatment, and outcome.  Also get plastics consults, becasue even if the surgeon says they can't do it, you can document that visit and what was said about your skin issue.  I had one surgeon turn me down because he didn't feel comfortable dong the massive surgery I would require.

I am truly having your experience, but one thing that I did was *NEVER GIVE UP* on finding a solution, and I found one!

Just so you know, I had that "mutant" feeling, too.  Stil do to some degree, and wondering if the surgery will help the issue, but even if it doesn't, I'm going for it!

BTW- publishers are looking at first drafts of a book I'm writing about the DS..the surgery I had.  If you get some psych professionals to co-author with you, you might be able to publish something that specifically addresesses the issues WLS patients have from a psychological viewpoint.



HW 405/SW 397/CW 138/GW 160  Do the research!  Check the stats!
The DS is *THE* solution to Severe Morbid Obesity!


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