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Barbara C.
on 4/11/12 1:06 am - Raleigh, NC
Topic: Grads Group Discussion

I'm hosting a Grad's Group this Thursday 4/12 in Raleigh. The reason that I started this in person group is that those who have reached or maintenance tend to have some different issues/concerns than those who are in the midst of losing weight. That said, we have people who are still in the process of losing that like to come to these meetings because it gives them a 'window' into what life may be like once they do hit the maintenance phase of their own journey. 

All of this said, I'd like to see if we can start a 'virtual' discussion regarding maintenance. What is it like for you? The good things and the struggles. If you haven't achieved maintenance yet, do you have questions you'd like to ask?

I hope to have you engage in this 'virtual' discussion with me and other members. If you want to do it as a continuation of this post that's great. If you want to join my 'group,' you are most welcome to do that as well; just click on the link in my signature.  

I hope to hear from you one way or another,

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Member Services
on 4/11/12 12:46 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Privacy Policy
Hello ObesityHelp Members,

The Privacy Policy for ObesityHelp has been updated and can be reviewed HERE.  We are in the process of putting together a tutorial of screenshots that show you how to change your settings.  It will be available soon.

After you have had an opportunity to review our Privacy Policy, if you have any questions or need assistance with adjusting your settings, please contact us at [email protected].  

Best regards,
Member Services

on 3/30/12 4:40 am - Anthem, AZ
I am glad that you found about about the fistula.  I had the same procedure in 2001 and have been afraid to have anything done,  I have noticed that my stools are thinner though, whhich I hiope is not from a stricure in my intestines.  Did you have the siastic ring repaired.?  Or did you have one to begine with?  I had that put in as it was what my sureon was doing at the time.  He has retired, so I have to find another surgeon who will do a revision.  Not many will, unless they were your original surgeon, I am finding out here in AZ. 
on 3/30/12 4:33 am - Anthem, AZ
You are welcome.  Is Dr. Fobi still practicing?
If he is, could you please give me the information needed to contact him for an appointment.  The surgeon I had has retired.  He had studied with Dr. Fobi and Dr. Rouex in France.
on 3/29/12 7:03 am
 I had the fobi pouch done seven years ago and have run into problem this year. I constantly through ump I'm underweight have lost 15 pllus pounds this year. I saw a gastroenterologist he is concerned about my ring. I'm going to dr fobi on Monday. My gastroenterologist believes the ring is responsible for my stricture and I won't be able to eat gastric bypass normal until after it is removed. I pray insurance covers this I am also worried about missing work.
on 3/26/12 2:14 pm
Revision on 04/25/12
Sure. I had two procedures done. The endoscopy which is with the camera down your throat and an upper GI which is the barium swallow. The upper GI is the actual procedure where Dr Fobi saw my gastro fistual. Those would be the two procedures to tell if there could possibly be a problem. You may want to find out, in case it leads to something more serious. Please keep me updated and I'll do the same. Good luck :)
on 3/23/12 10:02 am - tucker, GA
Topic: RE: Dr. Hixon in atlanta
  hi i am also useing dr.hixon and him and his staff are very kind people. i have not had surgery yet, i choose dr.hixon cause a previous dr who name i will not meantion did some very bad work on a friend of mine and when she was in the hospital in a coma dying he would not even come to seee what his damage was,if u not a success story this doctor will leave u in the wind, but dr.hixon came in and saved the day,he got my friend better she came out her coma and hixon went in and re-did sergery to undo damage and check on her regular in between seeing his regular patience and my friend looks great and a 100lbs smaller and move to cali and is now a DIVA! thats how i choose hixon and i cant wait to have my surgery.
on 3/23/12 9:59 am - tucker, GA
Topic: RE: Dr. Hixon in atlanta
 hi i am also useing dr.hixon and him and his staff are very kind people. i have not had surgery yet, i choose dr.hixon cause a previous dr who name i will not meantion did some very bad work on a friend of mine and when she was in the hospital in a coma dying he would not even come to seee what his damage was,if u not a success story this doctor will leave u in the wind, but dr.hixon came in and saved the day,he got my friend better she came out her coma and hixon went in and re-did sergery to undo damage and check on her regular in between seeing his regular patience and my friend looks great and a 100lbs smaller and move to cali and is now a DIVA! thats how i choose hixon and i cant wait to have my surgery.
on 3/21/12 10:54 am, edited 3/21/12 10:55 am - Anthem, AZ

I had the fobi pouch surgery done in 2001.  I have heard that the silastic ring needs to be removed.  I am afraid to even have tests done to see what is going on inside.  I have good and bad days with foods.  Some days I can eat a small meal, and then some I can only eat soft foods.  I still vomit up mucus at the end of a meal and some foods that do agree with me one day, don't the next.  Can you tell me what tests need to be redone to check out the status of my pouch?

on 3/18/12 6:32 am
Revision on 04/25/12
i appreciate all the support from my fellow bypassers! after longer than expected and having to find an alternate but also wonderfully qualified dr, i am scheduled for a revision on 4/25! i realize how blessed i am to be able to do this for a second time around with hopefully a much better outcome. only time will tell. thanks guys. i will keep you all posted! :)
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