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Elizabeth G.
on 6/6/12 11:35 pm - RI
RNY on 10/18/12
Topic: RE: Trying to decide!!
Recommend you post on the RnY forum message board.  At the onset you will lose weight due to restriction and malabsorption. Around 1/5 to 2 years, you're malabsorption should be resolved, aside from you needing lots and lots of vitamins for the rest of your life. 

I understand that the diet is "boring" up front but you are reintroduced to foods over a period of months. 

The RnY message forum has a lot of good info.

on 6/4/12 5:33 am
 i had the fobi done in 2004 and in 2010 i have had 7 surgeries and they still cant seem to fix it... did u or any one u know seek court action
Barbara C.
on 5/22/12 8:04 am - Raleigh, NC
Topic: Remember to Look Forward ...
Remember to Look Forward ... It's important to remember where you've been so that you can make choices that move you forward toward your goals.

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 5/14/12 8:25 am
Topic: getting back on track
Ok so I REALLY need help getting back on track. After reading alot of articles today I really feel I can but I need help. Any ideas on how to go back to the beginning?
on 5/13/12 12:29 am
 I saw dr fobi. I had an obstruction caused by the ring. They removed it. Now I'm paranoid I'm going I gain weight back. I am still in flux and have a hematoma but I am strictly watching what I eat. I weigh 135 now and I'm hoping to balance out at 130 to 125. Thanks!
on 5/6/12 2:53 am
Revision on 04/25/12
No problem. Yes, they did an endoscopy which showed the fistula. But the fistula is very very rare and only happens to a small percentage of patients..i just happened to be one of those people. Band over bypass is actually a much less invasive procedure and requires less time for recovery. They actually do the lap band over your already bypassed stomach, making it even smaller. Carnie Wilson recently had this done and documents it on her new tv show. This was something i would have considered if i didn't have the leakage.

I am feeling pretty good so far and moving around as much as possible. The pain and discomfort is no worse than the first time so at least i knew what to expect. Right now the mental part seems to be getting to me..what i wouldnt give for a cheeseburger or some pizza right now. I have also fought this as a life long battle and i know its not going to be easy. I'll continue to stay positive and hopefully rech my goal soon! I hope the same for you as well :)
on 5/5/12 1:44 pm
I was out to see Dr. Fobi and had the endoscopy to see if my stommach had stretched and it hadn't..   They didn't see anything about any fistulas?  Is that the test they did on  you?  I have a feeling because no one here on the East Coast knows of Dr. Fobi that I will have a hard time finding a Dr. that will do anything?  I am not familiar with the band over bypass?  Is that dangerous. 

How are you feeling after your surgery?  I'm scared but hate the thought of being FAT again.  Seems like I have fought this all my life.

Thanks for replying it means a lot to me.

Barbara C.
on 5/5/12 9:18 am, edited 5/5/12 9:19 am - Raleigh, NC
Topic: Consider who you are talking to...

I recently was watching a show on TV that had a counselor on the show who was addressing self image issues. They had a couple of women write down the things that they tell themselves about how they look. Many of us might be able to relate to litany of comments they made about 'thunder thighs', 'muffin tops', 'bat wings', 'turkey necks', etc... After writing them down, the ladies where then asked to tell the other person that they had 'thunder thighs', 'muffin tops', 'bat wings', 'turkey necks', etc... Each of the ladies were intensely uncomfortable about doing so and when asked why they were so uncomfortable, they said because they wouldn't want to say such mean things to stranger, much less a friend. Then, the counselor asked them why it was okay to be so mean to themselves, when they wouldn't consider being so mean to a friend or stranger? Both women agreed that they might reconsider before making such disparaging remarks to themselves about themselves. 

Next, they asked them to look at themselves as though they were looking at a friend or stranger and then describe themselves from that perspective. They both provided much more gentle, compassionate, and complimentary assessments of themselves.

I think it's important that we consider that what we say to ourselves about ourselves. What we tell ourselves helps to shape how we see ourselves in literal and figurative terms. How we see ourselves also often makes a difference in how treat ourselves and take care of ourselves. 

So consider who you are talking to... and be sure to be gentle, kind and compassionate with yourself.

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 5/5/12 3:04 am
Revision on 04/25/12
Actually i was gaining more weight back then i should have been and i was only 4 years into the surgery. That was the main reason i decided to see if that was normal, which it wasnt. dr fobi did tests and sure enough they saw my fistula, basically my stomach was separating into 2 pouches causing me to have 2 stomachs. Unfortunately due to insurance issues dr fobi was not able to do my revision (thats a whole other story). i did have a wonderful dr (DR Leport) here in Fountain Valley, CA perfrom my revision just over a week ago 4/25. There were more risks involved in this surgery, as after surgery the dr told me, he performed the correction of the fistual, removed a small part of my stomach and also removed scar tissue lesions..3 procedures in all. If you are planning to go through your insurance i will say it was a small battle to find someone that is able to revise a fobi procedure since it is a bit different than normal bypass. If you dont have a leakage most doctors will point you toward the band over bypass and it seems insurance is less likely to approve those these days. I am now 7 days into my revision and have lost nearly 10 pounds. Hopefully progress will continue and i can get to where i need to be. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any other questions..and good luck! :)
on 5/5/12 2:40 am
Revision on 04/25/12
sorry about the late response. did you end up going to see dr fobi? hope all went well :)
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