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on 7/7/12 2:56 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Oh Kate thank you as I am up for my third full open surg...they can't do lapro and I am scared to of the was so bad 15  & 7 years ago I can no longer use morphine, dilauded etc...did you have to have a feeding tube like I am.  Thanks for your honesty!  PLEASE keep me posted....I have moved and my old surgeon retired so I had to find someone who would even touch me....and here is what they said...oh the fobi is essentially a RNY with a form of gastric banding!
on 7/7/12 2:47 am - Colorado Springs, CO
on 7/7/12 2:41 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I am scheduled for my revision on July 23.  They have told me about the complexities and complications of this revision.  Not only are they going to have to revise the stomach bypass, but remove the damaged intestine and cut 6-8 inches of new intestine to reconnect AND I have to be on a feeding tube for 4-6 weeks.  They can not do a lapro as I have way too much scar tissue due to the first Fobi surg. and the the 2nd one from complications of from the ring. I AM SCARED TO DEATH FOR THIS NEXT SURG!!!   My life has been nothing but medical problems since this surg. 15 years ago and I am still paying for it...grrrrr.....!!!!!!
on 6/30/12 12:18 pm - Concord, NC
FobiPouch on 03/15/12
Topic: RE: Knot in upper stomach????
I had my three month check up and my doctor told me that it was my xphoid process which is the bottom of my sternum. He said most people do not notice it unless they lose a lot of weight in a short peroid of time. I see him about 2 weeks ago. I am now having sharp pain in my breast which actually start underneath my arm pit (maybe a lymph node) when I bend over and it is like a sharp burning pain. My regular doctor told me she thinks it is because I was really top heavy in my breast and I have lost over 4 inches and they are pulling down when I take my bra off and told me to sleep in a sports bra for awhile. It has been about 2 weeks now and it is still doing it.
on 6/27/12 8:27 am - NJ
Topic: WLS facebook page!!
This is a facebook page for any with questions scheduled or had weight loss surgery!! i just made the site its also for ppl looking to lose weight or get healthier pplease post before and after pics, recipes stories about yourself, drs, etc... anything and everything thats not offensive!! hope to see everyone!!
on 6/26/12 10:47 pm
Topic: RE: Knot in upper stomach????
 go and hae them check it. i had a fobi pouch in 2004 and it has been hell on wheels
i am thankful i have my health but in 2010 i almost died
please do not wait
on 6/26/12 10:45 pm
 how are u doing? i havent heard anything from u and i have a lawyer and am filing court case..........
it is crazy there are lots of us out there i think that we should get together and file a class action suit but not sure how to go about it...........any info would be handy
here is my number call me if u would like 623-204-6369. 
on 6/20/12 2:45 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
on 6/20/12 2:41 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
I am so glad to finally find this forum most are on the RYN.  I had my Fobi done in 1997 and have had more problems than any of my friends who have had other forms of WLS.  I have lost all of my teeth due to vomiting--just got dentures 3 weeks ago.  I have been in the hospital several times due to dehydration from vomitting and blockages.  In 2005 I had surg. to cut the band as the opening of my stomach had reduced to less than the diameter of a straw now-today I have had another endoscopy and the opening is now less than 2mm.  I have moved from where I had my original surg and surg. here are very leary to touch me.  However they all agree that I need another surg. ASAP.  I am so tired of being sick having transfusion and infusions, vomitting I just want to be healthy and I fear this will never happen.  What kind of surg. have you had and how are you doing?  If you hear of any court action please let me know? 
on 6/12/12 3:24 am - Concord, NC
FobiPouch on 03/15/12
Topic: Knot in upper stomach????
Not sure if this is a concern or not or if this is normal but I am 3 months out from having the gastric bypass with the Fobi ring and noticed that I have a knot in my upper stomach directly between and below my breast bones. It is almost like it would be where my stomach begins. It is a little tender but also it is more noticable to touch if laying flat on my back. Did anyone have this or maybe it could be a hernia or scar tissue. I still have trouble with not being able to eat much or drink much at all. I have my 3 month post op check up on Thursday. Any thoughts?
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