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Topic: RE: Today is the Day
I hope all works out for you, and that you have a speedy recovery your in good hands!!!!
Topic: Today is the Day
Well today is the day. I am going to leave here in about 30 min. All that read this post please wish me luck and say a prayer taht all will be well.

Topic: RE: Was wondering about the Fobi Pouch
Hi Sherri,
I just had the surgery on 1/30/04. The Fobi was the best option for me because I'm only doing this surgery once and I want to stay at one weight for the rest of my life. What they tell you is that a regular RNY stomach pouch can be stretched by overeating over a period of 10 years. Who wants that? The way I see is the optimal way to go, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to have to do less work to maintian it. Basicially, a year from now, I will only be able to eat as much as I did after surgery. My Fobi Pouch can't stretch because I have a band around it that will not slip. It's sort of like have a combination lap band and RNY. Feel free to email me directly.
Angela W.