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on 1/17/13 2:49 am
Topic: RE: Antacid problems
Well come to find out yesterday, it's not antacid! One of the pouches that was sew shut has came unsown! So surgery is scheduled for Monday! Thanks for the response tho!
on 1/16/13 4:47 pm
Topic: RE: Antacid problems

yes i have that problem had my gb in jun 2009 started weight 350 present weight 174 . my got so bad i went to a specialist .i Still get cramp maybe twice a week what work for me is nexium wash down with some maalox i travel with that everywhere i go and it does wander for my stomach pain

on 1/15/13 3:39 am
Topic: Antacid problems
I had my surgery gastric bypass April 3,2012 I started at 257lbs as of last know weigh in I was 164 9 months later! This is the first real problem ( not sure if related to bypass or not still researching) since surgery! I am having pains all threw my stomach area ( from below breast but above lower abdomen ) but when pain gets really intense it goes up and down my back! I'm very nauseous , can hardly eat or drink! At first dr thought it could be insides tangled up, but after CT scan they are thinking that I have antacid built up on stomach that is not being used! Has anyone had any problems like this! I see my primary dr tomorrow and no telling what she gunna want to run! Can anyone give any insight?
on 1/15/13 2:24 am
Topic: RE: help

hi, im following the 2 week diet prior to surgery and lost 7lb in 7 days by eating high protein a low carbs. its really tough you will feel tired but will kick start yr weight loss!! good luck

on 1/4/13 4:23 pm
Topic: RE: question for Fobi pouches

i had my surgery in 2009 by doc bowman and lost 170lb as of today i had not gain any weight start weight 350 present weight 173lb but i have life condition i must  still live with . it take hours for me to eat a small plate of food but it doesnt matter how long it take as long the i get my nututrician i still dump as of today but that is usually cause by carelessness i cant drink water and eat at the same time so adjust accordingly there is time i get sick for no reason or reason i cant explain i believe there is a cost for everything nothing is perfect  thru it all im so happy i got the surgery i get compliment on my appearance, i feel better,my diabetes is gone and i come to live with my new med condition  please be at peace with it and learn how to start living your new life with condition.    ps for my stomach cramp i take nexium and maalox it seem to help greatly

on 12/31/12 2:27 am - NC
Topic: RE: question for Fobi pouches
I had this happen and was feeling weak. I went to Dr. and needed to go in for fluids and they stretched my opening by doing an edoscopy. That tiny bit they stretched it made things go down and I did not feel sick from it. I am five years out and had no other problems since. I still have to be aware of not eating too fast or too much, but I have kept off 100 lbs. YEAH!!!!!!!!

Good luck.
on 12/7/12 5:31 am
Topic: RE: Fobi pouch after previous RNY

You need to think long and hard before you get this done. I've seen several people who got the Fobi to start with who've had to have emergency revisions because of problems the silastic ring caused. Have you looked into getting revised to the DS? The DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats, period.

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on 12/6/12 3:12 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Find the info that you want with us....

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With the holidays upon us, check out these 5 issues that can sabotage WLS: ge-wls/

OH Atlanta Conference Event from a member's experience: -girls-fun/

Member Services Support Team


on 12/5/12 2:09 am
Topic: RE: Fobi pouch after previous RNY

I was searching the site for my Doctor Dr. Jean-Baptiste, and came across this Fobi pouch. what is it? and how long would you need to be out of work? I am very interested in this procedure because I had loss lots of weight and looked and felt wonderful and would like to have it done again.

on 11/14/12 11:30 pm

I also had the fobi pouch (FPO) done in 1988.  I had a revision to a RYN last month.  The scar tissue from the ring was so bad, that had it not been removed, I would be dead.  If you are having problems with your pouch, please look into it quickly.  A FPO revision is not the same surgery twice, but a life saving procedure.

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