Basic Fobi Pouch info needed please

Maria L
on 10/20/05 12:40 am - Glen Burnie, MD
Hi all, I have a new WLS info site called The Road To Thin. It is getting many hits, and I am getting many emails from grateful folks who are researching surgery. Right now I have info on RNY, DS and lapband. I'd like to add info on Fobi Pouch. Can you please post here -- or email me -- the essential differences between other surgeries and Fobi Pouch... what the surgery is... and what "rules" are different (for instance, if absorption is different, lactose intolerance, etc.) Thanks for any and all info you can provide. You are helping others who are researching surgeries and/or who need reminding of what the "rules" and vitamin/etc needs are post-op. Maria 268/219/??? [email protected]
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