Fobi Pouch?
just read your profile wow what a great ordeal hon, but you battled on and came out top side well done and you look great.
I am still awaiting surgery here in uk, don't know if they will do it yet as i have had 2 heart attacks in 3 yrs plus i,m diabetic and confined to a wheelchair due to bk injury
i weigh 288 and would love to lose this fat bulge that i have been hiding behind.
dont know weather they will do bypass or band yet but will keep you posted
congrats on your weight loss you look fab

Hi! Just a little info...the RNY is when the stomach is cut down to the size of about an egg and the intestines are bypassed. The Fobi pouch is when the stomach is cut down to a little bit bigger than an egg and the intestines are bypassed. However, in addition to the regular bypass procedure, a restrictive band, much like the lap band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach. This, I think is wonderful procedure, although it is not the one that I am getting. I hope this helped!! Good Luck!!!

Hellow Wanda
My name is Celi and I had a combination of VBG and RNY which somebody told is simply the Fobi Pouch. The person who gave the information said that this type of surgery is very good because it makes almost impossible for the new pouch to stretch and I think it is truth because at 22 months out I still loosing weigh....I hope this helps a bit....I am also looking for more information if I found any I let you know....good luck!