What is RNY?

Tracy S.
on 8/5/04 5:10 pm - Elie
Hi, I'm Tracy, and I'm concidering surgery, but as of right now I am researching. I don't understand what RNY stands for. Maybe I haven't yet read the right post. lol I'm 46, have 2 daughters, one 18 and one 7. I'm happily married and my family supports me in any decision Imake. I am about 360 pounds and my liffe is out of control. Surgery is the last resort for me. Diets and exercise just didn't work. I need to regain my life before it's over. Thanks for any info you can give me, or any direction you can point me in to find the answers. Have a terrific evening. Tracy
on 8/18/04 7:10 pm - Bremerton, WA
Hey Tracy, I'm Angie and I'm new to this to and I know what your going through. I also need help and wish you the very best of luck with anything u decide. I am reading also on the different surgeries they have to offer for us who are in need. you'll be in my prayers. God Bless..
on 9/14/04 9:10 pm - Piedmont, AL
RNY is the Roux n y gastric bypass... look at this link for more information http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/m-surgerytypes.phtml That will give you some of the most common gastric bypass surgery types though there are others and variations of the ones listed. The Fobi method is actually a modified RNY. The main difference is the ring around the pouch to help keep the pouch from stretching a lot over time and facilitating gaining all the weight back.
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