Post Op Question
This is a question for post op patients...
I've been going to a behavior modification psychologist and he wanted me to come online and find 6 different answers to what you do when you go out to eat in a social situation. At a restaurant, what do you do? Do you order a certain type of food, or do you not eat, or do you order what you want and leave it there, or take it home, etc? What do you personally do? All responses from anyone are welcome but I'm really interested in people that have been in this situation after their surgery.
When I go to a restaurant I have a few choices. First I look at the children's menu (cheaper, less food) but that sometimes doesn't help because everything is so full of fat or fried. Then I ask if they have a low fat/low carb menu (Mimi's cafe has it), I also ask about soups. I usually can eat more when I eat soup because it's liquid, goes down easier and goes right through my little pouch
...however I try to order soup only when I can't find anything else (I usually order fish/veggies/starch or any meat). I still think it's better to order food and eat less...but by all means if I can't find anything healthy soup it is. I also try to seat close to the bathroom...yep I've had to run a few times. It's hard to remember to eat slow when everyone around you is just stuffing their faces. If I order a regular meal at least two thirds go home with me in a box. In my humble opinion it's very hard to go to a restaurant and watch everyone eat and not eat. So I try to avoid that. I have done it though...but not my favorite. Well...hope this me if you have more questions.
Take Care,
PS: I lived in Tucson for 14 years...just moved to Colorado Springs last October

Sarah, I haven't had the experience yet. But I am leaving for a 4 week vacation to California on Thursday. And I know that I will be going out to eat on many occasions. I will fall back on soups I'm sure.
Yes, use the main message board to get your answers. I'm sure that you will get many. I am anxious to know the answer too.
When I go out to eat, I just order what I would have ordered before the surgery.(minus alot of fried food) I eat what I can and then take the rest home with me. I then reheat the food and eat what I can the next time I need to eat. I do this twice and if I have any leftovers after this(I usually don't) I throw it out. I don't enjoy eating out as much because my tastebuds have changed a little so I tend to want to stay home and eat home-cooked meals. I do enjoy, however, socializing. So I always like to go out for a cup of coffee or two. maybe a 1/2 of a piece of pie as well.(shhhh. don't tell no one)lol