Hi all, just a question

on 2/23/12 12:31 am
I am currently in the process of trying to get a revision. Just today I heard of the Fobi pouch. I am trying to find a picture or drawing online to show me what it looks like. Does anyone have a link to one? So far I've found only explanations. Also, How do you like your pouch? Have you had much long term success?

Thank you for your help!
on 2/24/12 4:35 pm
RNY on 03/06/12
I was curious as well.

on 2/27/12 10:08 am - Douglasville, GA
I would definetly research the Fobi pouch before you go that route.  I did well as far as losing weight but I'm having alot of problems eating (really everything) and keeping food down.
on 7/9/12 2:05 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
I had the Fobi surgery 15 years ago and have had nothing but problems a couple of surg., numerous hospitalizations and endoscopys.I had the ring cut out 7 years ago.  I am now scheduled for a full revision, including cutting out a stricture in my intestine, bringing up 6-8 new inches of intestine, working on the ulcers, bleeding and not.  I have heard more people have problems digesting meats and such...for me it is everything and my lowest weight...188#'s b/c they said I shut my  metabolism down again with all the vomiting!

Good luck to anyone chosing to do this one!

on 4/24/12 12:50 pm
I had my fobi done 11 years ago, i weighed 295 i am now ranging between 144 & 155, i go up and down, depending on my level of activity or inactivity, i googled "fobi pouch pic or image" and found drawings of the procedure.

I have had no long term ill effects, some dumping every now and again when i forget to chew or eat something that doesnt agree with me at the time. One thing i did find unusual was that i was unable to tolerate milk of any kind until very recently, i am now able to drink down at least a cup of 2% milk, with no ill effects or dumping.
on 7/9/12 2:07 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
Almond Milk in the dairy section not in the boxes on shelves is great!
on 1/26/13 11:09 pm - Wilson, NC

I am searching the same and found this clip by the Dr. who the "Fobi Pouch" is names after.  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgeeph_how-the-fobi-pouch-differs-from-standard-gastric-bypass_lifestyle#.UQVCmB25OSo


I hope this helps you.

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