on 5/5/12 3:04 am
Revision on 04/25/12
Actually i was gaining more weight back then i should have been and i was only 4 years into the surgery. That was the main reason i decided to see if that was normal, which it wasnt. dr fobi did tests and sure enough they saw my fistula, basically my stomach was separating into 2 pouches causing me to have 2 stomachs. Unfortunately due to insurance issues dr fobi was not able to do my revision (thats a whole other story). i did have a wonderful dr (DR Leport) here in Fountain Valley, CA perfrom my revision just over a week ago 4/25. There were more risks involved in this surgery, as after surgery the dr told me, he performed the correction of the fistual, removed a small part of my stomach and also removed scar tissue lesions..3 procedures in all. If you are planning to go through your insurance i will say it was a small battle to find someone that is able to revise a fobi procedure since it is a bit different than normal bypass. If you dont have a leakage most doctors will point you toward the band over bypass and it seems insurance is less likely to approve those these days. I am now 7 days into my revision and have lost nearly 10 pounds. Hopefully progress will continue and i can get to where i need to be. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any other questions..and good luck! :)
on 5/5/12 1:44 pm
I was out to see Dr. Fobi and had the endoscopy to see if my stommach had stretched and it hadn't..   They didn't see anything about any fistulas?  Is that the test they did on  you?  I have a feeling because no one here on the East Coast knows of Dr. Fobi that I will have a hard time finding a Dr. that will do anything?  I am not familiar with the band over bypass?  Is that dangerous. 

How are you feeling after your surgery?  I'm scared but hate the thought of being FAT again.  Seems like I have fought this all my life.

Thanks for replying it means a lot to me.

on 5/6/12 2:53 am
Revision on 04/25/12
No problem. Yes, they did an endoscopy which showed the fistula. But the fistula is very very rare and only happens to a small percentage of patients..i just happened to be one of those people. Band over bypass is actually a much less invasive procedure and requires less time for recovery. They actually do the lap band over your already bypassed stomach, making it even smaller. Carnie Wilson recently had this done and documents it on her new tv show. This was something i would have considered if i didn't have the leakage.

I am feeling pretty good so far and moving around as much as possible. The pain and discomfort is no worse than the first time so at least i knew what to expect. Right now the mental part seems to be getting to me..what i wouldnt give for a cheeseburger or some pizza right now. I have also fought this as a life long battle and i know its not going to be easy. I'll continue to stay positive and hopefully rech my goal soon! I hope the same for you as well :)
on 7/18/12 4:33 pm
I had my Fobi pouch done in 2001 and did wonderful for a very long time and seems suddenly could now eat more and am hungry all the time. I have since gained back 60lbs!!! I'm freaked out to say the least and now have been to another surgeon and had the endoscopy and the upper Gi with the barium etc. I was told that my pouch and everything was still in tact etc but the upper GI seemed to show barium "leaking" from my smaller pouch to my old stomach. The surgeon I saw said it's a very complicated and dangerous procedure and made it seem likely that the outcome woudlnt' be a good one. He's been practicing bariatric surgery for 15 years and I liked him alot seemed open and honest but I seem to think that maybe I should seek a second opinion??? He also mentioned the possibility that there could be some sort of chemical from the old stomach making me hungry as well. What he couldn't explain is how if my stomach is basically the same size as when I had the surgery, am I able to eat far more than the few ounces he claims my stomach can hold..... I want to lose the weight and get back to where I was... I'm glad to hear that Fobi is still practicing. I was told he retired.  I went to him some years ago to talk to him when the weight gained started but he just suggested eating differently (well duh) that was 45 lbs ago. Am I better off going to see another surgeon? Would whoever saw the Dr in Fountain Valley reccomend him? and did you have to pay out of pocket or did insurance eventually pay for it?
on 7/7/12 3:08 am - Colorado Springs, CO
How are you feeling now?  Did you have the surgeon redo it FOBI POUCH or did they opt for other method.  My new doctor is replacing the damaged intestine with new, had the ring removed 7yrs. ago, and he says he will do a new revision but it will be a RNY....did you have any complications...they have told me chances go way up this time so they are putting me on a feeding tube for up to 6 weeks?  I have to be cracked open no lapro...too much scar tissue :(  any advice help etc WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED AS  I AM scared too death...
on 8/7/14 4:08 am

I came across your post while looking for information on ring removal. I also am in upstate NY and my new doctor wants to remove my ring. Very afraid of gaining weight. Did you even get your issue resolved?

on 9/13/14 1:28 am - Redlynch, Australia

I am in Australia and I'm getting a Fobi ring put in over my bypass in 4 sleeps, I lost all restriction after 4 strictures were stretch too early after surgery. 

on 7/30/15 11:13 pm

I had my procedure done in 1999 by Dr. Fobi office. Since then I've gone through so much.  Some ups and some downs.  I've been dealing with pains in the lower part of my stomach.   I'm not sure if anyone else is going through this but wanted to share. I've been seeking medical advice on trying to get me to a point of being able to have a somewhat normal life.  These pains have restricted me from doing so much.  I hope others out there keep smiling and know you're not alone. 

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