on 5/2/12 7:13 am
Hi,  do know that Dr. Fobi is still in practice.  My son just had surgery by him in Dec 2011.
He is located at Hawiian Gardens, Ca.. at Tri Cities Hospital.  I also had surgery with Dr. Fobi in May, 2000 and am now gaining weight.  I am wondering what options I have and is a revision something to consider.  I live in Upstate NY, and traveled to California for my surgery but would like to fine a surgeon here in NY.  Any help would be appreciated.
on 7/7/12 2:57 am - Colorado Springs, CO
How did it go?  I am scheduled for one on July 23---full open like last two...scared too death!
on 3/21/12 10:54 am, edited 3/21/12 10:55 am - Anthem, AZ

I had the fobi pouch surgery done in 2001.  I have heard that the silastic ring needs to be removed.  I am afraid to even have tests done to see what is going on inside.  I have good and bad days with foods.  Some days I can eat a small meal, and then some I can only eat soft foods.  I still vomit up mucus at the end of a meal and some foods that do agree with me one day, don't the next.  Can you tell me what tests need to be redone to check out the status of my pouch?

on 3/26/12 2:14 pm
Revision on 04/25/12
Sure. I had two procedures done. The endoscopy which is with the camera down your throat and an upper GI which is the barium swallow. The upper GI is the actual procedure where Dr Fobi saw my gastro fistual. Those would be the two procedures to tell if there could possibly be a problem. You may want to find out, in case it leads to something more serious. Please keep me updated and I'll do the same. Good luck :)
on 7/7/12 3:01 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I had to have mine removed 8 years post op.. and now have had more problems and am having to have another revision because of more medical complications...stricture with the intestine...ugh!  Regarding the tests for the removing the band.  A few endoscopys, upper GI and ultra sound.  Good luck...keep us posted
on 3/29/12 7:03 am
 I had the fobi pouch done seven years ago and have run into problem this year. I constantly through ump I'm underweight have lost 15 pllus pounds this year. I saw a gastroenterologist he is concerned about my ring. I'm going to dr fobi on Monday. My gastroenterologist believes the ring is responsible for my stricture and I won't be able to eat gastric bypass normal until after it is removed. I pray insurance covers this I am also worried about missing work.
on 5/5/12 2:40 am
Revision on 04/25/12
sorry about the late response. did you end up going to see dr fobi? hope all went well :)
on 5/13/12 12:29 am
 I saw dr fobi. I had an obstruction caused by the ring. They removed it. Now I'm paranoid I'm going I gain weight back. I am still in flux and have a hematoma but I am strictly watching what I eat. I weigh 135 now and I'm hoping to balance out at 130 to 125. Thanks!
on 7/7/12 3:04 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Insurance covered my ring removal and now 7 yrs after ring removal I am going in for a major revision regarding my intestine and other problems....full open surg... scaredGood luck on whatever you chose to do...keep us posted!
on 5/4/12 12:12 pm
How did you know that you had a leakage?  I had the Fobi pouch in 2000 and have gained about 60 pounds and am so upset.  Seems I am hungry all the time.  I am very interested in getting a revision and was looking on some information of Drs. that will do one on the original Fobi Pouch?  I traveled out to California for my original operation but live on the East Coast in Upstate NY and am hoping to find someone closer that will help me.
Any suggestions/ thoughts would be appreciated.
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