
10 yrs after surgery

on 9/12/10 7:09 pm
I've been having awful stomach pain and it just keeps getting worse.  My GI just thinks it's acid reflux, but I know better.  The pain is getting worse by the day.  Is anyone else having these same problems.
on 9/15/10 4:15 am
on 9/23/10 9:36 am
on 9/23/10 9:40 am
I had the Fobi pouch and it has also been 10 years since I had the surgery.  My stomach pain is getting worse by the day.  I've had an endosopy, colonoscopy and an upper and lower gi.  I've been told I have an ulcerative colitis, a corrosive esophateus and now esophagael spasms.  I'm going to a gi doctor or should say i've been seeing their nurse practitioner.  I'm so tired of them not helping me, esophagael spasms does not cause belly pain, they just keep prescribing meds.  I hope you did well with your surgery and if you've not had it yet, I do wish you well.  I hope to hear from you again. 
on 9/27/10 4:28 am
I hope you get some more answers. If you are not happy go on to the next doctor.
perhaps go to a Bariatric specialist..that's familiar with the surgery.?
Just to prescribe medicines is not the answer.
I went through many tests and a few doctors.
I am sorry you have had  such problems.
Hoping that you feel better soon.
My daughter has Crohns disease and I know Ulcerative Colitis is not too much different.
This is a chronic condition.
Be well.
Oh and my surgery is now scheduled for 10-12. Yikes :)
let me know what happens!
on 10/21/10 7:51 am
Have you contacted Dr. Husted? He's in AZ now. The ring at the bottom of a Fobi can erode, but I don't know what symptoms that causes.
on 2/8/11 5:49 pm - Anthem, AZ

I have also heard that and that it should be removed.  My weight loss surgeon has retired and his former associate has stopped doing wls. I haven't had any sumptoms that I know of.  I just don't want any more surgery if it isn't necessary.  I am also in AZ.

on 1/17/11 4:11 am
 I have had similar problems...with a different surgery.  Have you gotten  this resolved yet.??/
       I developed a gastritis, and  with that and lactose intoleance have  had two episodes of  twisting...but since I have modified my diet and use prevacid, 30 mg during acute episodes, I have not had any  twisting.  .I also take prevacid..available .across the counter, but I use Rx amount... if I must take anything for my arthritis...to protect my pouch and gut.  Prevacid works much quicker than it' generic counterpart of Prilosec...
     ...I avoid/ limit any high acid foods...tomatoes are my favorite offender.
       I have reduced my vitamin c...I use for sinus problems.
        If you tolerate milk products try  yougart, it has the beneficial bacterial.
       If you don't tolerate there is a soy based one by O'Soy. that is good.
      Try  using mostly cold foods/ fluids when  your  intestines flare up.
        There is also a lactose free ice cream by breyers...it is available in Vanilla only, as long as you keep the portion size to 1/4 cup, it should not cause adverse effects.
       I like to take a little/ 2 oz/ flat cola and make a float with mine, you could also make it a shake with lactose free milk , high pro powder.. to boost your protein on a bad day..or a sorbet with a well tolerated fruit of your choosing.
       LISTEN TO YOUR GUT...It is yours alone.  Hope this helps ! Look at my other posts for more tips. I have not been a member on this site but a week or so, but my surgery was 16+yrs ago.feel free to contact me.Denise
on 2/8/11 5:46 pm - Anthem, AZ
I am also about 10 years out.  I had my surgery on Aug. 21, 2001.

I have never had intense stomach pains.  The problems I have had are vomiting, if I have had a food that doesn't agree with me or have had just one bite too much.  I also had 2 bowel obstructions, which were luckily cleared by the tests both times.  I am very careful to drink enough fluids.  Yogurt with the natural enzymes also helps keep me regular.

Has your GI Dr. done any tests?  I would suggest another GI Dr. or a weight loss surgeon to get help.

Let me know how you do.  I is nice to find someone else that is still here and has been out for some time.