on 6/29/10 5:16 am - lilesville, NC
I am in the final process of my having my gatric bypass with fobi, I just have to have the light run down my throat july 13, I am freaking out so bad. I have to lose 20ibs before I have my surgery and I have hit a plateau. I dont understand why. All I drink is water and I excercise...Someone told me I am drinking to much water (5-8liters a day) but come on its the only thing that I can drink that has no calories. Please does anyone have any advice I just feel so bad cause I am trying so dang hard....Please help or give advice.....
on 6/29/10 6:31 am - Ocala, FL
what is a fobbi pouch gastric bypass?  As far as the plateau, perhaps your body is in starvation shock thinking you are not feeding it enough which in turn your body then holds onto any fat it can because it thinks it won't get anything.  Sounds dumb but someone told me that a while ago.  Perhaps change up your diet just a little bit and change your exercise routine just a little bit and maybe things will move again.
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/10 3:49 am
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