
on 5/3/10 10:00 am

I'm 1 1/2 years out from surgery.  I feel GREAT!!!!  I'm down 95 pounds from where I started; however my complaint seems to be that I seem to feel constantly hungry.  I eat my protein, and drink my water.  Do any of you have this problem?  If so please share and what has helped you.  Is this normal?  I would love any help with this issue.  I'm so scared that I"ll gain the weight back and so I want to really be careful to not eat so often.

on 6/5/10 4:31 am - Charlotte, NC
Hi there! If you're feeling hunger, I would recommend you talk to a nutritionist who specializes in gastric bypass patients and review your diet. I'm sure you can make some adjustments that will keep you full and not put the weight back on.

highest/surgery/current/goal              450+/319/148/130

Kathy P.
on 6/12/10 4:58 am - Jacksonville, FL
hi there,
I am 7 yrs post op and headed back under the knife 6/15 for revision, I regained over 50 pounds. I can tell you if you follow your diet the dr gave you, the surgery works but we have to work the surgery. I suggest adding even more protien, protein makes you full longer, starch fills you but can wear off in about 1-2 hours and you are hungry again, not to mention starch turns to sugar and you gain added weight. When I first started trial and error stages, I found I could handle sugar in very small amounts, then I found I could handle sugar a little more each time as time went on, I went from dumping on one bite of cake, to eating 3 bites, 4 bites, half a slice now to a full slice without getting sick, I can still get sick from time to time but none the less I can eat it. I tried every protien out there and can tell you whey is hideous to me, I simply can not stand the taste, I did try a new one recently and was so excited, it has 17 grams in one scoop and is flavorless, it does not mix well in juice or friuts but anything milk based or even like the protein shakes special k, slim fast etc you can not taste it. The name of it is ANY WHEY, I will be using this post op as a supplement until I can reach my desired weight then if I get hungry in my routine eating patterns, I will add a shake until I can maintain. I have a plan! :-)
The one thing I have learned in my weight gain after surgery is I have to watch out for red flags, they are the type of foods I was raised on and still crave like mashed potatoes, french fries, breads, gravy, fried foods, pies, cakes, candy the surgery is a great tool, but that is all it is, a tool. I have to be very aware of what I choose to eat from here on out. I hope the tip helps you as I would never want anyone to go through the surgery and fail as I have then have to go back but at least I am fortunate and the company I work for covers it. If you need anything feel free to reach out and I will get back to you. Best of luck to you on your continued weight loss.
on 6/26/10 10:37 pm
Just checking in to see how you're feeling.  Hope everything went well.  I also wanted to know  where to buy ANY WHEY from. 


Yolanda Hocker

Kathy P.
on 6/26/10 11:17 pm - Jacksonville, FL
LOL .. just sent you a hello for some reason I thought your surgery was friday, i worked saturday and the extra day threw me off. The any whey is at GNC, would it offend you if i prayed for you tomorrow ? :-)
it is a touchy subject and i dont want to step on toes but if its ok let me know ..
on 8/17/10 10:03 am
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/10 2:25 am
VSG on 06/08/09 with
 Hunger is not an emergency!  (Read the Beck Diet Solution for more on this.)   Seriously, just because you feel hunger does not mean you have to respond to it by eating.  You can do like most of the people in the world and wait until meal time.   This has been the MOST IMPORTANT concept that I have adopted.  Hunger will not kill me.  It is mildly uncomfortable, but not something I can't stand.  I eat about every 3 hours, and I can surely wait 2 or 3 hours with mild hunger.  

Our brain chemistry gets used to whatever we do, so if we respond to mild hunger by feeding it, the brain comes to expect it.  You have to do something different.  If you were an alcoholic, you would likely feel cravings for alcohol.  That doesn't give anyone the license to drink.  Get through the discomfort and come out the other side, and eventually your brain will catch up.  
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