Support Group - Jacksonville, FL

on 1/26/10 10:08 am
I'm a OH Support Group Leader here in Jacksonville, FL and would like to send an invitation to anyone who'd like to join us for a meeting in the near future.

We meet on the 1st Thursday night of each month, 6:30 PM.  Its a dinner meeting which is usually held at the Town Center or Tinsel Town . . . . which seems to be centrally located for everybody.

If you're interested in joining us, please let me know so I can add you to my mailing list and be sure you're invited to future meetings.  Are meetings are open to people, no matter what type of surgery you may have had.

In the meantime, tell me something about you and if you have a profile on OH, please direct me there. 

I look forward to meeting pre ops and post ops and those that are just in the curiosity phase of the journal.

Be Blessed,




on 3/14/10 10:32 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Are the meetings still going on?  I am looking for a support group as I had the Realize Lap-Band surgery in December 2009.  Thanks!
on 3/17/10 6:54 am
Yes, indeed, the meetings re still being held.  And we'd love for you to join us. If you will email me at

[email protected]

I will add you to my mailing list and keep you posted.  If, at any time, the emails get to be overwhelming or you want to get off the email list for any reason at all, please just let me know.  No hard feelings.

Hope to hear from you soon.  And if you have any questions, please just let me know.




on 4/1/10 3:26 am - Middleburg, FL
I just had gastric bypass two weeks ago and I am in need of a support group.
on 8/20/12 3:35 am
Hi, I had my surgery on October 14, 2004..Going on 8 yrs now..I am beginning to gain a lot of weight 40 pounds and I have struggled with emotional issues concerning my weight. I am now at a cross road. Never had any counciling concerning my issues and I need to find out what the deep rooted issue maybe that is causing my love for food...

on 9/4/12 5:26 am
Hi Pam.  Thanks for your post.  I have to tell you that you've done better than most because after 5 years, people tend to start gaining and continue gaining. 

I see that Dr. Overcash did your surgery and since you replied to a post of "fobi pouch", I'm thinking that's the type of surgery you had.

Unfortunately, 2 years ago I had my port removed for the 2nd time and thought the surgeon was going to remove the tubing, not the port.  I had an infection for 10 months after that so I've made a decision NOT to have that port put back in. 

As a support group leader, I have seen lots of people with lots of different types of surgery but very few people who can keep the weight off.  Any type of wls is simiply a "crutch" and unless you change your eating habits, no surgery works.  That's true even without surgery....its a lifestyle change.  Surgery is just a "tool"/"crutch" that helps.

I no longer have a support group as I've gained almost all of my 92 pounds back.  I still know all the tricks of the trade and know how to work the program and could still hold meetings but the depression has taken over and I'm so disappointed in myself, I just stay in my house and do nothing..... except EAT.

There are several support groups here in Jacksonville and I'll be happy to talk to you about them.  You can email me at [email protected] and we'll talk.

I hope to hear from you, Pam.  I know EXACTLY how you feel.

on 4/16/10 9:58 pm - Ponte Vedra, FL
Novus Centers is a comprehensive support center in Jacksonville.  We host peer-to-peer support meetings for Gastric bypass patients on the first Monday of every month.  Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.  They are open to the public.  If interested in joining the meeting email info@yournovus for details.
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